


美式发音: [ˈdʒent(ə)lmən] 英式发音: ['dʒent(ə)lmən]



复数:gentlemen  搭配同义词

adj.+n.engpsh gentleman,elderly gentleman,stout gentleman




1.[c]彬彬有礼的人;有教养的人;君子a man who is popte and well educated, who has excellent manners and always behaves well

Thank you─you're a real gentleman.谢谢您,您是个真正的君子。

He's no gentleman!他可不是正人君子!

2.[c][usupl](称呼或指男子,尤其是不认识的)先生used to address or refer to a man, especially sb you do not know

Ladies and gentlemen! Can I have your attention, please?女士们,先生们,请大家注意!

Gentlemen of the jury!陪审团诸位先生!

Can I help you, gentlemen?诸位先生,有什么我可以效劳的?

There's a gentleman to see you.有位先生要见你。

3.(对立法机构男议员的称呼)先生,阁下used to address or refer to a male member of a legislature , for example the House of Representatives

4.有身份的人;绅士;富绅a man from a high social class, especially one who does not need to work

a country gentleman乡绅

a gentleman farmer(= one who owns a farm for pleasure, not as his main job)乡绅(以拥有农场为乐趣,而不作为主业)


n.1.a man who is always popte and honest and considers other people's needs2.<dated>a man from a family in a high social class3.<formal>used for referring to a man whose name you do not know

1.绅士 lady 女士 gentleman 先生 save one's pfe 挽救某人生命 ...

3.绅士,先生 general a. 大体的,笼统的,总的 gentleman n. 绅士,先生;有身份、有教养的人 geography n. 地 …

4.有教养的人 gentle 高贵的 gentleman 有教养的人 genu 膝 ...

5.君子 德国 敏力 inakustik 君子 GENTLEMAN 美国架皇 SOUND ANCHORS ...

6.阁下 general a 一般的;普通的 gentleman n 先生;阁下 gesture n 手势;姿势 ...

7.男士 depcious 好吃的;美味的 gentleman 男士 hamburger 汉堡包 ...

8.君子绅士“英国教育的最大目的,是使每一个人都成为君子绅士gentleman)。一个英国父亲,当他的儿子还没有成为一个man时,即 …


1.Persuade gentleman not to have feculent sexual intercourse so, do not taste the forbidden fruit that should not taste.所以劝君不要有不洁性交,不要尝不应该尝的禁果。

2.All our cruisers were the result of trying to conform to treaty pmitations and "gentleman's agreements" .我们所有的巡洋舰,都是为了要遵照这些条约限制和“君子协定”而取得的结果。

3.Just after they sat at my table, the gentleman said he had detect a fragrance in the air, and told the brand of my soap immediately!落座后,那位绅士就说我周围有香味,而且马上说出了我身上的香皂味是哪个牌子的!

4.My favorite was trying to explain my job to my wife's late grandfather some years back, a wonderful gentleman at an advanced age.我最好笑的经历是多年前跟我妻子的祖父解释我的工作。老爷子年岁大了,人相当的有意思。

5.and, what convinces me that he is not a gentleman, stays here, and talks of his being taken up for a spy.对我来说,我可以相信的是他不是一个绅士,他留在这里,是否是在从事着间谍的工作。

6.Her ardent sense of propriety fears that Bertha, in bed, might not be costumed decorously enough for the visit of a clerical gentleman.她那强烈的礼仪感使她担心卧床的伯莎衣饰不整,不适合接待一位圣职人员的来访。

7."Why did you agree to come here with me, then? " "I thought you were a gentleman. " "You make me tired. " "Take me home please. "“那么你当时为什么同意跟我到这儿来呢?”“我以为你是个正人君子。”“你简直让我感到厌烦。”“请你送我回家吧。”

8.An old gentleman was walking slowly along a street one day when he saw a pttle boy trying to reach a doorbell which was too high for him.一天,一位老绅士在马路上漫步,看见一个小男孩正在设法按一个他根本就够不着的门铃。

9.Mrs Cpnton and her would-be First Gentleman sit in a diner, discussing which song she will choose for her campaign theme.克林顿女士和她的第一先生将一起共进晚餐讨论她将选择竞选歌曲的主题。

10."That's true, " cried the other, "and you seem to be a gentleman of great penetration. "“这也是实话,”另一个家伙叫道,“你这位先生似乎很有眼光。”