


美式发音: [ˌevəˈluʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌiːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n]



复数:evolutions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.biological evolution,human evolution,natural evolution,peaceful evolution





1.进化the gradual development of plants, animals, etc. over many years as they adapt to changes in their environment

the evolution of the human species人类的进化

Darwin's theory of evolution达尔文的进化论

2.演变;发展;渐进the gradual development of sth

In poptics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution(= gradual development to sudden violent change) .英国在政治上宁愿渐进而不愿革命。


n.1.the scientific theory according to which types of plants and animals change gradually over long periods of time through a process known as natural selection to become more appropriate for their environment2.the way in which something gradually changes and develops

1.进化 estimates 估计 evolution 演变 excess cash 过剩现金 ...

4.发展 bible n. 基督教的《圣经》 evolution n. 发展;演变 therefore adv. 因此; …

5.进化论 evoke 唤起;引起 evolution 演变,进展,进化 exacerbate 加重;恶化 ...

8.伊凡露一针去皱术 有一些人在 …


1.Great Work is at the heart of blue ocean strategy, of innovation and strategic differentiation, of evolution and change.它就像是蓝色海洋战略的核心,代表着创新和变幻的策略,进化和改变。

2.The next major evolution is in composing experiences that bring together lots of disparate elements into a single context.下一个主要演变为组合到单个上下文一起大量不同的元素的体验。

3.It will also be possible to construct a fine-grained picture of human evolution, and of how and when humanity spread around the world.它也会让绘制出人类进化的清晰画面,以及知晓怎样和合适人类散布到世界各地成为可能。

4.However, an enterprise does not always play the same role in the system and changes its role as the evolution of the business ecosystem.对于企业自身而言,在寻求发展和优化生态位的过程中,恰恰实现了企业角色的转换;

5.Evolution has been dogma for so long that many people consider it a foregone conclusion that pfe arose by random processes.进化了这么长时间,很多人认为这是一个定局,生命的随机过程产生的教条。

6.Comparing our evolution to that of other animals enriches our understanding of the human condition.通过比较我们与其他动物的进化,丰富了我们对人类生存条件的理解。

7.The evolution that was happening in travel has sped up to such an extent, you could even call it a revolution.如今的旅游业正以惊人的速度发展着,你甚至可以称之为一场革命。

8.Most non-scientists seem to be quite confused about precise definitions of biological evolution.很多非科学专业人士对于生物进化的精确定义很困惑。

9.The rise of the international box office has as much to do with a shifting global economy as with the evolution of the movie business.海外票房比重的提高与全球经济的变迁及电影产业自身的演变都大有关系。

10.The formation, evolution and dynamic mechanism of South China Sea have always been a hot topic in geological study.南海的形成、演化和动力学机制一直是地学界的研究热点之一。