


美式发音: ['flæʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['flæʃɪŋ]







1.(房顶与墙交接处的)防雨板,盖片a strip of metal put on a roof where it joins a wall to prevent water getting through




v.1.The present participle of flash

1.闪光 humipating adj. 羞辱性的 flashing n. 闪光, 防水板, 遮雨板 cabana cabanan. 小屋, 有凉台的屋子 ...

2.泛水 汇水面积 catchment area 泛水 flashing 内排水 interior drainage ...

3.闪蒸 2.声音加权网络( SoundWeighting Networks) 3.闪蒸Flashing) 4.空化( Cavit…

4.闪烁 Illuminated 发光 Flashing 闪烁 Warmstart 舒适模式启动 ...

5.闪亮 flag 标志 flashing 闪亮 flat 平面的 ...

6.防雨板 flank wall 侧面墙;边墙 flashing 防雨板;防水盖片 flat 单位 ...

7.遮雨板 humipating adj. 羞辱性的 flashing n. 闪光, 防水板, 遮雨板 cabana cabanan. 小屋, 有凉台的屋子 ...

8.挡水板四、 挡水板Flashing) (newstarnet网址被屏蔽)(newstarnet网址被屏蔽)挡水板是金属材料的 ,铝或钢。


1.In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, flashing pghts might seem pke going back to sending messages with an Aldis lamp.在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年代。

2.So by measuring the electrical activity of the brain it is possible to tell if people are attending to a flashing pght.所以,通过测量大脑的电活动水平,就可能辨别人们是否在对闪光注意。

3.I loved to see him pull up to the theater in his convertible to pick me up after a matinee, his smile flashing.我在他的敞篷车爱看他拔对剧院在午后的演出以后接我,他的微笑闪动。

4.The robot indicates that it has found a victim by stopping and flashing a lamp for at least two (2) seconds.机器人找到受害者的示意方式有:停止,并闪灯至少2秒。

5.You see a new set of tools on the toolbar and a blank screen with a flashing cursor.可以看到工具条上有一组新的工具,另外还有一个空白的屏幕,其中有一个闪烁的光标。

6.Once upon a time, late at night, only the sound of keyboard percussion, only to wait for a flashing her head waves driven by mood!曾几何时,深夜里,只有键盘的敲击声,只有等待她头像的闪动而带动心情的荡漾!

7.Staring at a mirror, a loss of the cold wave hit the body all over, helpless eyes, short of the idea, there are tears in her eyes flashing.哪位英语高手快来帮帮忙,翻译:呆呆地望着镜子,一股失落的寒潮袭遍全身,无助的眼神,放空的思想,还有那双闪着泪光的眼睛。

8.Well, I'll tell you, his mother looked at him standing there expectantly , and boy, could I see the memories flashing through her mind.好的,我告诉妳,他妈妈看到他期待地站在边上,孩子,我怎么能想到她灵光一闪。

9.All of these connectors are often covered with a fine layer of gold a few microns thick, deposited by flashing or plating.所有的这些连接处通常都覆盖着只有几毫米厚的金。这些金是通过闪蒸或是电镀的方法覆盖在金属表面。

10.Flashing his wedding ring at her he turned down her advances and took her to the grocery store instead.他晃了晃结婚戒指,拒绝了她的示好,而是带她去了杂货店。