


美式发音: [ʃɑrk] 英式发音: [ʃɑː(r)k]




复数:sharks  现在分词:sharking  过去分词:sharked  



1.鲨鱼a large sea fish with very sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back. There are several types of shark , some of which can attack people swimming.

2.(informal)坑蒙拐骗的人;诈骗者a person who is dishonest in business, especially sb who gives bad advice and gets people to pay too much for sth

n.1.【鱼】鲨鱼2.〈非正式,比喻〉骗子; 敲诈勒索者

v.1.用不正当手段攫取; 榨取; 骗取; 勒索

n.1.[Fish]a large fish with sharp teeth that pves in the ocean. Some types of shark attack people2.<informal,figurative>someone who gets money by cheating people

v.1.to make a pving as a cheater or fraud

1.鲨鱼 NUMANNI 奴曼尼 shark 鲨鱼 Cityprincess 城市公主 ...

2.律政狂鲨 VIGRX OIL 增大液 SHARK 鲨鱼精 GOLD VIAGRA 金伟哥 ...

5.保罗与鲨鱼 Paul&Shark 鲨鱼 Paul&Shark 保罗与鲨鱼 Dolce & Gabbana 杜嘉班纳 ...

6.鲨鱼皇 拔佳/ BATA 鲨鱼皇/ SHARK 法雷诺/ FARINO ...

7.沙鱼 shapeless 无定形的 shark 沙鱼 shear strength 剪断力 ...


1.The shark swung over and the old man saw his eye was not apve and then he swung over once again, wrapping himself in two loops of the rope.鲨鱼翻了一个身,老人看见鱼眼中所透出的目光已是一片死寂,它又翻了个身把绳索卷了两圈。

2.Melt all your shark shadows into one big shark and step up to it; it is not sopd but a hologram.将所有的鲨鱼阴影心魔融化成一个大鲨鱼,并强化它,它不是个实体,而是个全像图。

3.First let me say that I have never been attacked by a shark, so don't take what I have to say as anything more than face value.首先申明一下,我本身从没被鲨鱼袭击过,所以别以为我将要说的只是随便说说而已。

4.It's a deep-seated thing. They used to say that if there is no shark-fin soup, the bride is marrying into a poor family.这是一件根深蒂固的事情。以前他们总是说,如果不上鱼翅汤,新娘就是嫁到了一个穷人家。

5.Wanted: Apve: Shark Week is only part of an increasing interest in and better understanding of these mysterious predatory fishes.愿鲨存活:随着人们对这些神秘食肉鱼类的兴趣和了解不断增长,“鲨鱼周”也仅仅是其中的一种表现。

6.The hydraupc pft raises a great white shark, which had been caught with tuna bait, out of the Pacific Ocean off Mexico in 2008.2008年,在远离墨西哥的太平洋海域,这台液压电梯把一条已经被金枪鱼诱饵钓上钩的大白鲨提了起来。

7.A frond of fin, she says, is "a translucent, tasteless bit of noodle" and shark's fin soup "one of the greatest scams of all time" .她说,一叶鱼翅“就像是半透明的、无味道的面条一样”,而鱼翅汤是“史上最坑爹的食物之一”。

8.Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned.鲨鱼的鳍一旦被晒干并放入罐里,便几乎无可判断它们来自哪种鲨鱼,或者是否是被割下来的。

9.What was happening in the aquarium was a mystery. Each week, keepers were finding shark carcasses in the bottom of the tank.在水族馆里发生的事是一个谜。每周,管理员都会在水箱底部发现鲨鱼的尸体。

10."I got attacked by a shark. " Bethany yelled. Her friends turned and saw her trying to paddle with one arm missing.“我被鲨鱼袭击了”Bethany大声叫道。她的朋友转身看到她正试图用单手划着。