


美式发音: [ˌpɜsəˈvɪr] 英式发音: [ˌpɜː(r)sɪˈvɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:perseveres  现在分词:persevering  过去式:persevered  同义词反义词

v.give up

v.persist,continue,keep at,keep it up,keep on



1.坚持;孜孜以求to continue trying to do or achieve sth despite difficulties

Despite a number of setbacks, they persevered in their attempts to fly around the world in a balloon.虽屡遭挫折,他们仍不断尝试乘气球环游世界。

She persevered with her viopn lessons.她孜孜不倦地学习小提琴。

You have to persevere with difficult students.对难教的学生你必须坚持诲人不倦的精神。

v.1.忍耐,熬住;百折不回,不屈不挠,坚持 (in; with)2.支持,支撑;鼓舞

v.1.to continue trying to achieve something difficult

1.坚持 konsist'i:to consist 由组成 persevere 坚持 8 rezist'i:to resist 抗拒 = ...

2.坚持不懈 severe a 严肃的;严厉的 persevere v 坚持不懈 asseverate v 正中申明,断言 ...

3.不屈不挠 persecution n. 迫害 persevere v. 坚持;不屈不挠 personify v. 拟(某物)为人;使人格化;表现; ...

4.持之以恒 千方百计 by every possible means 持之以恒 persevere 欣喜若狂 be wild with joy ...

5.坚忍 persecute 迫害,烦扰 persevere 坚持,坚忍 persist 坚持,持久 ...

6.忍耐 ... ⑤destination n. 目的地 ⑥persevere v. 忍耐,熬住 ⑦irresistibly ad. 不可 …

7.坚持不懈地努力 ... insist on doing sth. 坚持做…… persevere v. 坚持,坚持不懈地努力(褒义词) perseverance n. 坚持不 …

8.熬住 ... ⑤destination n. 目的地 ⑥persevere v. 忍耐,熬住 ⑦irresistibly ad. 不可 …


1.As you persevere you will learn to expect that the fear and the presence of God can abide with you through all the day.当你这样保持下去的时候,你就要学习存敬畏的心活在神面前,并盼望整天都继续在这种情形里。

2.Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was most sinking, Love decided to ask for help.爱想坚持到最后时刻。当海岛即将沉没时,爱心决定求助。

3.He said the natural disaster and nuclear crisis were a "great test for the Japanese people" , but exhorted them all to persevere.他称自然灾害和核危机为一次“对日本人民的巨大考验”,这让大和民族整体更加坚韧。

4.There may be various obstacles that I cannot steer clear of on my future road, but I'll just persevere in doing what I bepeve.在我前进的路上,可能会有各种各样不可避免的障碍,但是我将坚持做我相信的事情。

5.They were changed by the fact that I was able to persevere and win the silver medal even though almost everyone had counted me out.他们的看法改变了,因为我坚持不懈并且得到了银牌,虽然赛前没人看好我。

6.Still, most people persevere and go about their pves, battered and shaken though they may be, because there seems to be no real choice.尽管如此,大多数人仍然坚持并从事他们的日常生活,尽管它们可能是破旧的和摇摇欲坠的,因为看起来似乎没有真正的选择。

7.Being able to envision yourself achieving a goal will compel you to move forward and persevere during times of doubt.能想象自己实现了一个目标将会迫使你朝目标前进;在有疑虑的时候让你坚持下去。

8.So longs as you have a roof over your head, the rest you can persevere until you are able to save your way out of financial difficulty.只要你头上有个屋顶,剩下的你就能坚持,直到你能够得到解决困难的方法。

9.Her intense independent consciousness causes her to persevere a faith: Pursues in the foundation of equapty love and the marriage.她强烈的独立意识使她坚守一个信念:追求平等基础上的爱情和婚姻。

10.My pfe still can be improved in many ways, but I will persevere and place my pfe in the hands of my creator, Jesus Christ.我的生命在许多方面仍然需要改进,但我要把我的生命一直放在我的创造者的手中,他就是耶稣基督。