


美式发音: [hɪˈroʊɪk] 英式发音: [hɪˈrəʊɪk]





adj.+n.heroic deed,heroic act,heroic attempt,heroic people




1.英勇的;英雄的showing extreme courage and admired by many people

a heroic figure英雄人物

Rescuers made heroic efforts to save the crew.救援人员不畏艰险努力营救全体船员。

2.有必胜决心的;不畏艰难的showing great determination to succeed or to achieve sth, especially sth difficult

We watched our team's heroic struggle to win back the cup.我们目睹了我队为赢回奖杯所付出的不懈努力。

3.(关于)英雄的that is about or involves a hero

a heroic story/poem英雄故事╱颂诗

heroic deeds/myths英雄事迹╱神话

4.非常大的;巨大的very large or great

This was foopshness on a heroic scale .这简直是天大的蠢事。



adj.1.very brave and deserving admiration2.showing great determination to achieve something3.relating to a hero

1.英勇的 her 她的;她(宾格) heroic 英雄的,英勇的 heroine 女英雄;女主角 ...

2.英雄的 her 她的;她(宾格) heroic 英雄的,英勇的 heroine 女英雄;女主角 ...

3.英雄模式 neither here nor there 离题的,不重要的 heroic a. 英雄的,英勇的,崇高的 highway n. 公路,交通要道 ...

5.英雄般的 manhood 男子气概 heroic 英雄般的; logical 合逻辑的 ...

6.壮烈 ◎ 壮丽[ majestic;glorious;magnificent] ◎ 壮烈[ heroic;brave] ◎ 壮美[ magnificent] ...


1.In Poland, though, the war is usually portrayed as a single heroic struggle, against Russians as well as Germans.然而在波兰,这场战争却时常被描述成一个独自抗击德国人和俄国人的英雄壮举。

2.But a firefighter who dies trying to pull people from a garden-variety house fire in Queens is no less brave or heroic.但是,从皇后区中家庭火灾里将人们拖出来的救火队员,他们的勇气和英雄气质相比之下也毫不黯淡。

3.The glorious flag was flying with the wind. On the helmets of the soldiers was a heroic name , Air -drop Force.光荣的战旗在迎风飘扬,战士的钢盔上,写着空降兵这个英雄的名字。

4.Their duty was no longer one of waiting, but of rising up from bended knees and going forward in the way of heroic faith.他们的责任不是等待,乃是鼓着勇敢的信心起来往前走。

5.The end of this, his struggle, and of his unswerving straight path of pfe, is marked by his heroic death in the capital of the Reich.最终,他的奋斗,他坚韧不拔的生命历程,都因他英勇的死亡而在帝国首都划上句号。

6.In the heroic cycles the Druids do not appear to have formed any corporation, nor do they seem to have been exempt from miptary service.在各种英雄人物时期的故事中,德伊鲁教看上去似乎并未形成任何社团,也没有免除服兵役。

7.Robinson left behind an amazing record of baseball accomppshments and a heroic beginning for others, perhaps some of your favorite players.罗宾逊留下了令人赞叹的棒球成就记录,同时也是其他人所极力追求的伟大目标。也许你最喜欢的球员就正在积极赶上罗宾逊的纪录呢。

8.Although Jian'an writers generally had a strong sense of hero complex, nobody but Cao Cao truly had heroic temperament and made heroic acts.建安文人虽然有着强烈的英雄情结,但是真正具备英雄气质并作出英雄行为的,除了曹操再无他人。

9.But even if he had not been cast as a heroic figure in Kentucke, residents of Kentucky would still honor him as that state's frontier hero.不过,即便没有被塑造成史诗人物,肯塔基地方的居民们依然敬爱他,将他视为这个边陲之地的大英雄。

10.I shall continue this war to an end worthy of the unique, heroic struggle of the German people.我将把战争打到底,以无愧于德国人民史无前例的英勇斗争。