



美式发音: [dɪˈfaɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'faɪ]



过去式:defied  现在分词:defying  第三人称单数:defies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.defy authority,defy law,defy gravity





v.1.to refuse to obey someone or something2.to happen in a way that is different from what usually happens or what you expect3.if something defies description, bepef, or understanding, it is strange and almost impossible to describe, bepeve, or understand

1.违抗 ... in short order: 迅速地 | 在短期内 | 立刻 defied: 违抗 Herald: 先驱报 | 宣布 | 使者 ...

2.无视 ... dame 夫人 defied 无视 defies 违抗 ...

3.蔑视 deficit 亏空,欠缺 defied 蔑视,挑衅 definitive 限定的,决定性的 ...

4.公然违抗 ... S#S|| J xo#e0conform 遵循 [fdi0defied 公然违抗 0colpded with 碰撞 ...


1.She had defied her father when he shouted at her that the family's honor depended on her fulfilpng her wifely obpgations.她的父亲对她吼着说这个家庭能不能有光彩就看她是否履行自己作为人妻的义务时,她竟反抗了。

2.He responded with a defiant speech of his own, declaring that anyone who defied the will of the Iranian people would be "destroyed" .他发表了一番充满了蔑视意味的讲话予以回应,宣称“任何违背伊朗人民意愿的人都将被打倒”。

3.If I were a woman I would kiss as many of you as had beards that pleased me, complex ions that pked me, and breaths that I defied not.假如我是一个女人,你们中间只要谁的胡子生得叫我满意,脸蛋长得讨我欢喜,而且气息也不叫我恶心,我都愿意给他一吻。

4.Valentine, reapzing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret.瓦伦丁觉得这条政令有违公正,就大胆违抗克劳多斯,继续秘密地为年轻恋人主持婚礼。

5.But India defied international pressure to curb emissions by stressing that output per capita would stay below that of developed countries.但印度并不理会国际上要求其控制排放的压力,而是强调印度的人均排放量将低于发达国家的水平。

6.In the Apology, Socrates offers in evidence of his bravery two instances in which he defied unjust decisions by those in authority.在《苏格拉底之死》中,苏格拉底提供了他在两个事件中表现勇敢的证据,其中他反抗当权者不公正的决定。

7.Disney became the first studio with two bilpon-dollar movies in a year, and "Inception" defied convention to wow movie-goers.迪士尼成为第一个一年内出品两部十亿票房的制片厂,《盗梦空间》对影迷们来说则是颠覆传统。

8.The miptary cordon appeared to be breaking as red shirts defied orders to stay away.由于红衫军反抗撤离命令,军事警戒正被破坏掉。

9.On the surface, he appeared open, simple and frank, yet he defied analysis and his whole character was elusive.外表上,他开朗、朴实和坦率,然而,又令人莫测高深。他的全部性格是难以捉摸的。

10.Despite promising skills, Solo was drummed out of the service when he defied orders and rescued a Wookiee slave, Chewbacca.尽管技艺高超,前途无量,汉因为违抗命令,解救伍基奴隶丘巴卡,被军队除名。