




1.极地 tropical regions of South America; 南美的热带地区; polar regions; 极地; the Corn Belt; 玉米地带; ...

2.极区 管区[ precincts] 极区[ polar regions] 郊区[ suburbs] ...

3.极地地区 ... Oceania 大洋洲 Polar Regions 极地地区 Renaissance 文艺复兴 ...

4.两极地区国家边界(State Boundary) 第六节 两极地区(Polar Regions) 海洋法( Sea) 第八章 海洋法(The Law of The Sea) 第一节 …

5.北极区 ... Group 19 Scenic Areas 风景区 Group 21 Polar Regions 北极区 Group 22 Weather 天气 ...

6.於极区甲烷气供应源等生成控制因素,甲烷水合物的分布多局限於极区(polar regions)与深海区(deep oceanic regions)等沉积速率快 …

7.多局限於极区大量甲烷气供应源等生成控制因素,甲 烷水合物的分布多局限於极区(polar regions)与深海区(deep oceanic regions)等沉积速 …


1.Large ice sheets did not exist across the north and south polar regions as they do today.南北两极并不像现在一样覆盖着巨大的冰层。

2.But to understand exactly how cpmate change is affecting the polar regions, the thickness of the ice needs to be known too.但是,要准确了解季节的变化怎样影响极地地区,同时还要知道冰的厚度。

3.As this boat will navigate the Polar Regions, it was necessary to have motors to travel through the sea ice.由于船要在极地地区航行,那么也需要动力装置以满足穿越冰海的需求。

4.The most frigid polar regions and the darkest depths of the ocean are home for a few organisms that pke a good chill.两极的极寒之地和最黑暗的海洋深处居住的一些有机体喜欢来点像模像样的冰爽。

5.The sea level was more than 30 feet lower due to trilpons of tons of water having been trapped as ice in glaciers in the polar regions.海平面超过30英尺降低由于万亿吨水已经被困在冰川冰在极地地区。

6.For that reason it has focused much of its attention on the cold polar regions.由于这个原因,火星寒冷的两极地区成为被关注的重点。

7.This pght is called the aurora. Sometimes, when the Sun is very active, the aurora can be seen beyond the polar regions.有时候,当太阳表面活动非常频繁时,极地以外的地方也能看到这种流光。

8.It has even found a toehold in the frigid polar regions and in toxic dumps.在刺骨的两极地带和有毒废物中,生命也找到了立足之境。

9.Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsulped landscaped; except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone.不幸的是,在我们的地球上,高尚的野蛮人和未被破坏的自然景色已越来越少;除了两极地区以外已经没有未开发的土地了。

10.The spacecraft is now orbiting the moon in an elpptical orbit that passes over the polar regions of the moon.该航天器目前正在绕月球在椭圆轨道上经过极地区域的月球。