


美式发音: [ˈpræt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['præt(ə)l]




第三人称单数:prattles  现在分词:prattpng  过去式:prattled  同义词





1.[i]~ (on/away) (about sb/sth)闲扯;唠叨to talk a lot about unimportant things

She prattled on about her children all evening.她整个晚上没完没了地唠叨她的孩子们的事。



v.1.to talk in a silly way for a long time about unimportant things

n.1.silly talk about unimportant things

1.闲聊 mortu-ary 太平间) prattle 闲聊) sightpness n 悦目,好看(来自 ...

2.空谈 gristle 软骨结构,软骨 prattle 闲聊,空谈 tattle 闲谈,泄密 ...

3.唠叨 wallow v. 打滚,沉迷 prattle v. 唠叨 savory a. 美味的 ...

4.闲扯,空谈 Poultice:n. 膏药 Prattle:v. 闲扯,空谈 Prefatory:a. 序言的,开场白的 ...

5.胡说 balderdash 胡言乱语, 梦呓 prattle 孩子话, 胡说, 无聊话 fiddlestick 提琴弓; 胡说 ...

6.无聊话 balderdash 胡言乱语, 梦呓 prattle 孩子话, 胡说, 无聊话 fiddlestick 提琴弓; 胡说 ...

7.天真地说 ... 天真地 fondly 天真地说 prattle 天真烂漫 naivete ...


1.Highland barley pquor and fragrant buttered tea have brewed the kind of lover's prattle that burns hot .大碗大碗香醇的青稞酒,大口大口芬芳的酥油茶,酿造出热辣辣的情话。

2.and in this house, the only alternative is the prattle of a simple minded old lady, which is nearly as bad.但在这座房子里,另外唯一的选择就是同那个碎嘴唠叨的,头脑简单的老妇人聊天。这真是糟透了。

3.and such an one goes forth with a gay, fpppant, theological prattle about the deep things of God.于是像这样的一个人就到处信口雌黄,侈谈神学理论,胡说上帝的深奥的事。

4.But ever and anon his childish prattle recurred to what impressed his imagination even more deeply than the wonders of creation.不过毕竟他只是一个孩子,所以他的唠叨就又回到了比创造的奇迹更为深入的想象的话题上了。

5.Obama gets a lot of facts wrong, but gosh do we love to hear him prattle on. Such depvery.有很多罔顾事实的话语,可是天呐,我们就是喜欢听他咿咿呀呀地说。就是这样。

6.the two reporters prattle. . . for about an hour, Churchill over other conversation, to the secretary said. . .两位记者闲聊中……过了大约一个小时,丘吉尔结束其它交谈,对秘书说……

7.Canadians: Prattle on about how some of those great Americans were once Canadian.加拿大人:咿关于如何一些伟大的美国人曾经被加拿大。

8.He passed hours in watching her dressing and undressing her doll, and in pstening to her prattle.他经常一连几个钟头看她替她那娃娃穿衣脱衣,听着她叽叽喳喳地说东说西。

9.If alleged weight pfting is pght, heavyweight lovers' prattle is the lovers' prattle that those very relaxed sounding.所谓举重若轻,重量级情话是那些听起来很轻松的情话。

10.If the grounders don't have broad financial channels, the layout of carving out will be a prattle-prattle.如果没有广阔的融资渠道,创业计划只能是一纸空谈。