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n.rhesus monkey



n.1.in Greek mythology, one of the kings of Thrace

1.恒河猴 rhabdite 杆状体 rhesus 恒河猴 ; 猕猴 rhesus agglutinin 恒河猴凝集素; 猕猴凝集素 ...

2.猕猴 恒齿 permanent tooth 恒河猴因子 rhesus 红骨髓 red marrow ...


6.索斯 厄里达诺斯( Eridanus) 瑞索斯( Rhesus) 阿刻罗俄斯( Achelous) ...


1.Picking up a piece of nettle, this inquisitive baby rhesus monkey had no idea she was about to get stung.这个好奇的猕猴宝宝捡起一片荨麻,她丝毫没有意识到她会被刺痛。

2.Straight out of the womb, infants may be just as aroused by a rhesus monkey call as by human speech.刚出娘胎,绒猴的叫声和人们讲话声同样能唤起新生儿。

3.Scientists have attempted to clone rhesus macaques, but none of the resulting embryos survived implantation in a surrogate mother.科学家曾经尝试要复制恒河猴,但是所获得的胚胎在植入代理孕母体内后无一存活。

4.The gold-spired stupa is also known as the "Monkey Temple, " named for the population of rhesus monkeys that roam its grounds.这座金身的佛塔又被称为“猴庙”,那是因为有一群恒河猴常常在这里漫步。

5.Critics, however, are not yet ready to accept that the rhesus study proves caloric restriction works in primates.但是,批评家们并不准备接受猕猴研究证明了低卡饮食适用于灵长类生物这一说法。

6.A recent study of eighteen rhesus monkeys provides clues as to the effects of birth order on an individual's levels of stimulation.最近一项对恒河猴的调查揭示了出生顺序对于个体刺激水平的影响。

7.Vaccinated rhesus macaques remained healthy after they were injected with H5N1 virus as the vaccine stops the reppcation of the virus.免疫猴体内注射H5N1病毒后,由于疫苗阻止了病毒的复制,因此在实验观察期内表现完全健康。

8.Thus, it seemed that members of an estabpshed rhesus community abide by a rule that says: Attack members that find food and don't share it.这样,看起来一个已确立的恒河猴社团的成员们遵循着这样一条规则:攻击那些发现食物而不与大家分享的成员。

9.The second rhesus monkey study, being conducted by the National Institute on Aging, is not as advanced as the Wisconsin study.另一项由国家衰老研究院领导的猕猴研究进度则没有威斯康星大学研究快。

10.Infected rhesus monkeys, which can get sick and die from the primate form of HIV, had high levels of endotoxins in their blood.受感染的恒河猴,从感染艾滋病病毒到发病、死亡,他们的血液中有较高水平的内毒素。