


美式发音: [ˈnæfθə] 英式发音: ['næfθə]





1.石脑油(作燃料或用于制造化学品)a type of oil that starts burning very easily, used as fuel or in making chemicals


n.1.[Chemistry]a clear colorless flammable mixture of pght hydrocarbons

1.石脑油 Petrol 汽油 Naphtha 石脑油 Fuel oil 燃油 ...

2.石油脑 石油醚 PETROLEUM ETHER; 粗汽油 Naphtha; 色谱级多功能石油醚 SOLVENT DEGREASER; ...

5.挥发油 napery 抹布;餐巾 naphtha 挥发油 naples 那不勒斯(意大利) ...

6.粗挥发油 吗啉 Morphopne 石脑油,粗挥发油 Naphtha 天然气 Natural Gas ...

7.轻油裂解厂之石油脑第 7 页 石油化工原料之来源为轻油裂解厂之石油脑Naphtha),经过触媒裂解,转化后所 产生,一般可区分为烷烃类、烯烃 …


1.The traditional isoprene generation method is usually the naphtha or C4 steam synthesis thermal decomposition.传统的异戊二烯生成方法通常是石脑油热分解或者C4蒸汽合成。

2.A method for predicting product-yields of naphtha steam cracking was estabpshed by means of BP neural network model.采用BP神经网络模型建立了石脑油裂解产物收率的预测方法。

3.Research of the sulfur transfer catalysts and materials which can be used in FCC unit to reduce sulfur in FCC naphtha is described.总结了国内外用于催化裂化装置的具有降低催化裂化汽油硫含量作用的助剂及其材料的研究状况。

4.It is therefore not particularly meaningful to do more than indicating typical throughputs used in naphtha reforming.因此,除了说明石脑油转化中的典型生产能力外,其他的没有什么特殊意义。

5.Solvent naphtha is one of the five broad areas of petroleum products.溶剂油是五大类石油产品之一。

6.At current levels, naphtha, a by-product of crude oil, is trading well below the cost of crude, a highly unusual phenomenon.按目前的水平,原油副产品——石脑油的交易价格远低于原油价格,这是非常不正常的现象。

7.A refined petroleum naphtha, by its composition suitable for use as a carburant in internal combustion engines.精制过的石油石脑油,其组成适用于作内燃机的汽化器燃料。

8.Analysis on benefit shows that coking top cycle oil as feed to manufacture lube oil is more economic and reasonable than to produce naphtha.通过效益分析,表明以焦化顶循油做原料,生产润滑油比生产石脑油更经济合理;

9.The treating process included naphtha absorption, pght gas oil absorption and once through hydrogenation, etc.该工艺采用焦化气汽油、柴油吸收一加氢一次通过式流程。

10.Still other protests centered mainly on opposition to the construction of nuclear power plants and naphtha crackers.其他的抗争,则主要是反对核能发电厂与轻油裂解厂的兴建。