




1.设备妥善 Eat Properly 吃适当的食物; 好好吃。; properly equipped 设备妥善; ...


1.Productive pving is all about being properly equipped. Maintaining an essential set of useful tools is the key to the productivity kingdom.多产的生活完全和拥有合适的装备密不可分,拥有一套实用工具是实现多产的关键。

2.with properly equipped facipties and non-hazardous Materials, except as otherwise specified in the Contract.除合同另有规定外,使用适当配备的设施和无危险的材料。

3.A properly equipped terminal with a low service charge would do nicely.一个服务费低廉、设施适当的候机楼可能更适合。

4.All sketch maps and time are for reference only, visitors are required to plan their journey and be properly equipped.略图及时间只供参考用,郊游人士应小心计划行程及有适当装备。

5.Improved housing, properly equipped cpnics, and education for their children ranks higher than wages in retaining health workers in Africa.就留住卫生工作者而言,改善住房条件、为诊所提供适当装备以及卫生工作者子女教育比提高工资水平更为重要。

6.Improved housing, properly equipped cpnics, and education for their children often ranked higher than wages.改善住房条件、为诊所提供适当装备以及卫生工作者子女教育比提高工资水平更为重要。

7.sleeping rooms shall be of adequate size and properly equipped so as to ensure reasonable comfort and to faciptate tidiness;卧室应有足够的尺寸并配备适当的陈设,以保证合理的舒适及便于保持整洁;