


美式发音: [ɪkˈstendəd] 英式发音: [ɪkˈstendɪd]








1.延长了的;扩展了的long or longer than usual or expected

an extended lunch hour延长了的午餐时间



adj.1.continuing for longer than usual2.an extended hand, arm, etc. is stretched out

v.1.The past tense and past participle of extend

1.扩展 extend 延长;扩大 extended 延长的,扩大的 exterior 外部,外表 ...


1.Instead, a robed figure stood there, at the top of a ramp extended pke an impudent tongue from the side of the Sentinels' ship.一段斜坡伸展出来,就好像哨兵之船的侧面冒冒失失地吐出一根舌头。坡顶上站着一个身穿长袍的身影。

2.This trust is usually extended to code that may not really count as part of the operating system but still needs to run in the kernel.这种信任通常扩展到代码,这些代码实际上不是操作系统一部分,但仍需要在内核中运行。

3.Existing knowledge was the storehouse of the past; it had to be thoroughly explored and constantly extended.现有的知识只是过去的仓库,必须彻底探究并且经常扩充。

4.Allow at least a month to renew a regular SSL certificate and a longer lead time for the new Extended Vapdation (EV) certificates.应该至少每个月续约一次常规SSL证书,新的ExtendedVapdation(EV)证书的续约周期可以长一些。

5.The dealership is starting a promotional campaign, whereby it is trying to push a two-year extended warranty to its past customers.这个经销店正在启动一个推销计划,试图向其老客户推销两年延保。

6.I suppose it is in the back of your mind [that City had already won and extended the lead at the top to eight points].我觉得你心里一定在想曼城已经赢了,并且把优势扩大到8分。

7.I think that was one of the first scenes where we all got to work together for an extended period of time so it was nice.我觉得那是其中一场戏让我们在那么久以来第一次全部人一起工作,所以感觉很好。

8.Zhaodong was comprehensively evaluated as the best variety and was more suitable to be extended and planted in Harbin area.综合评价最优的参试品种是肇东苜蓿,其更适于在哈尔滨地区种植。

9.Because if you give people confidence right now that it's going to be extended you take out a bunch of uncertainty.因为如果你现在让人们相信这项减税措施将会延长,就打消了许多不确定性。

10.They would be easy to shoot down, consume inordinate amounts of fuel, and had few advantages to counter an extended pst of cons.他们很容易被击落,消耗过度的燃料,在反击广大敌人时几乎没有优势。