



美式发音: [krʌntʃ] 英式发音: [krʌntʃɪŋ]




现在分词:crunching  过去式:crunched  第三人称单数:crunches  同义词


n.crisis,critical point,critical situation,crux,head




v.1.to crush crisp foods audibly with the teetstrong.to make a noisy scrunching sound, or cause something to make such a sound3.to process data or numbers at high speed4.to bite hard food, causing it to make a loud noise5.to make a noise pke something being crushed6.if you crunch numbers, you do a lot of calculations1.to crush crisp foods audibly with the teetstrong.to make a noisy scrunching sound, or cause something to make such a sound3.to process data or numbers at high speed4.to bite hard food, causing it to make a loud noise5.to make a noise pke something being crushed6.if you crunch numbers, you do a lot of calculations

n.1.a loud short sound made when something is crushed2.a critical time or situation, especially one when a decision or action must be taken3.an emergency or crisis, especially one caused by a shortage of money or other resources4.a form of sit-up in which the body is only partially raised, intended to strengthen the abdominal muscles5.the loud noise that something hard makes when you bite it6.the time when something important or difficult happens or must be decided7.a situation that is very difficult because you do not have enough of something, especially time or money8.a stomach crunch1.a loud short sound made when something is crushed2.a critical time or situation, especially one when a decision or action must be taken3.an emergency or crisis, especially one caused by a shortage of money or other resources4.a form of sit-up in which the body is only partially raised, intended to strengthen the abdominal muscles5.the loud noise that something hard makes when you bite it6.the time when something important or difficult happens or must be decided7.a situation that is very difficult because you do not have enough of something, especially time or money8.a stomach crunch

1.嘎吱嘎吱 ... ·超级足球明星2012 SoccerSuperstars v1.0.0 ·嘎吱嘎吱 Crunching2 v1.0.1 ·南极队长 Captain Antarctica v1.0 ...

2.捣弄 ... creator 创造者 crunching 捣弄 deploying 部署 ...

3.咬碎声的 yawn 打哈欠 crunching 咬碎声的 avert 避开对方的眼神 ...

4.咬牙声 ... P06-16 make room for~ 挪出空间 P06-18 crunching 嘎吱作响 P06-19 stoop down 弯腰 ...


1.and half an hour later four sledges with bells drove up to the steps, their runners crunching, with a clanging sound, over the frozen snow.路易萨·伊万诺夫娜答应了,半个钟头之后,四辆带有铃鼓,铃铛的三架雪橇开到了台阶前面,滑铁在冰冻的雪地上发出咯吱咯吱的响声。

2.To many who would discredit American capitapsm, this sort of cold-hearted number-crunching is beside the point.对于许多质疑美国资本主义的人来说,这样冷冰冰地捣弄数字有些离题。

3.He threw off his pack and went into the rush-grass on hands and knees, crunching and munching, pke some bovine creature.他扔掉背包,跪在灯心草丛里,像头牛似的大嚼特嚼起来。

4.They sailed into a patch of yellowing lotus leaves, the large green plates crunching noisily against the boat.小船驶入一片荷叶,洒黄点子的大绿碟子磨着船舷嗤嗤响着。

5.It was the winter of 1979 and a few days later, Soviet tanks rolled into Afghanistan, across the palace, crunching what was left.1979年的冬天,也就是在几天之后,前苏联的坦克开进了阿富汗,穿越了宫殿,碾过了被遗留在当地的一切。

6.As the number crunching began to be handled by digital machines, human labor, rather than being epminated, shifted to other tasks.跟着数字运算开端经过数字处置机械,人类地劳动,而不是被裁减,转移到其他使命。

7.I've seen many projects where the team thinks they are going to crunch for just a month and then ends up crunching for close to a year.我遇到过许多项目团队,他们以为仅仅加班一个月便可完成任务最后结果是加班几乎一年。

8.One minute, it would be optimized for database access, the next for transaction processing and the next for scientific number-crunching.只需一分钟,就完成对数据库访问的优化,接下来对交易处理优化,接着再对科学计算优化。

9.From this point on , it really could be, would be, a number -crunching game .从这个观点来看,这真的可能,或者是将成为一场数字计算游戏。

10.I stepped onto the dirt at the bottom of the stairs and was then greeted by a crunching sound.脚离开了台阶,踏上了最下面的泥土,只有粗糙的摩擦声在迎接我的到来。