


美式发音: [ˈhwɑpər] 英式发音: [ˈwɒpə(r)]



复数:whoppers  同义词反义词





1.特大的(或硕大的)东西something that is very big for its type

Pete has caught a whopper(= a large fish) .皮特捕到了一条特大的鱼。

2.谎言;瞎话a pe

She's told some whoppers about her past.关于她的过去,她说了些谎话。


n.1.something that is much larger than other things of the same type2.a pe

1.华堡 [ household: 家喻户晓的] [ whopper: 弥天大谎] [ enthusiasm: 认真,投入]. ...

3.皇堡 Bloodshot( 充血) Whopper庞然大物) Shrieker( 尖叫者) ...


6.汉堡王和着名的皇堡汉堡王和着名的皇堡Whopper)诞生于1950年代中期,汉堡王正好赶上了1960年代美国快餐行业迅速成长的黄金时期。在60 …

7.汉堡皇堡据报道,这位老人名叫大卫•金,他最爱吃汉堡王(Burger King)含有生菜的招牌汉堡皇堡whopper)。他的女儿琳达说,25 …

8.汉堡王最有名的当然是皇堡汉堡王最有名的当然是皇堡Whopper)——重四分之一磅的汉堡,广告上说是烈焰炙烤而成,不过我也搞不清楚这样的汉堡 …


1.Then came the whopper: on July 18, Bear Stearns admitted it could not figure out how much money it had lost.噩耗随之传来:7月18日,贝尔斯登承认,它搞不清亏损究竟有多大。

2."Oh! " cried Whopper. And he began to run. He looked back and found that the puppy wasn't following him.华勃大叫一声:『啊!』便开始跑了起来。他往后看却发现小狗狗并没有跟着他。

3.Whopper wanted to change his story again, but he thought of George and decided to tell the truth.华勃又想改变他的说法,但是想起了乔治,所以他还是决定说实话。

4.The 1989 version of the Little Mermaid might be better known as "The big whopper! "在1989年版本里,“海的女儿”被称为一个弥天大谎。

5."Oh, yes, " answered Whopper. "I saw him just a while ago. A strange man was talking with him and he took your son away. "华勃回答说:『有啊,我才看到他。一个陌生男子在跟他说话,然后就把你的儿子带走了。』

6.you know, the bottompne is they warn people do not drive in these conditions, and there is a reason why this storm is a whopper.你知道,底线是他们已经对人们做出警告不要在这种恶劣气候条件下开车,而这就是这场大雪被称为大雪的原因。

7.Whopper did not answer, but his eyes were shining with excitement.华勃没有回话,但是他的眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。

8.Whopper jumped in surprise. A black puppy came out of the bushes. The dog was wagging its tail.华勃吃惊地跳了起来。一只小黑狗从树丛中跑出来,摇着尾巴。

9.When Whopper heard George's words, he said nothing and put his right hand on his blue mark.华勃听了乔治的话后,他一语不发,并把右手放在他的乌青上面。

10.The customer was on the telephone in the corner of the shop. He looked at Whopper.那名客人正在店里的角落讲电话。他看着华勃。