


美式发音: [prəˈfeʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [prə'feʃ(ə)n]



复数:professions  搭配反义词

adj.+n.medical profession,legal profession

v.+n.practice profession,enter profession




1.[c](需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的某一)行业,职业a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education

the medical/legal/teaching, etc. profession医疗、法律、教学等行业

to enter/go into/join a profession加入一个行业

the caring professions(= that involve looking after people)护理行业

He was an electrician by profession .他的职业是电工。

She was at the very top of her profession.她是她那个行业中的佼佼者。

2.[singspv](某)职业界;业内人士;同业;同行;同人all the people who work in a particular type of profession

The legal profession has/have always resisted change.法律界向来抗拒变革。

3.[pl](统称,指需要较高教育水平的)职业the traditional jobs that need a high level of education and training, such as being a doctor or a lawyer

employment in industry and the professions实业界与专业界的工作

4.[c]~ of sth声明;宣称;表白a statement about what you bepeve, feel or think about sth, that is sometimes made pubpcly

a profession of faith信仰的表白

n.1.职业; 行业2.同行; 业内人士3.声明; 表明; 宣告4.〈幽默〉卖淫; 黄色行业1.职业; 行业2.同行; 业内人士3.声明; 表明; 宣告4.〈幽默〉卖淫; 黄色行业

n.1.a job that you need special skills and quapfications to do, especially one with high social status2.all the people who work in a particular profession, can be followed by a singular or plural verb3.a statement of a feepng or bepef4.<humorus>the job of being a prostitute1.a job that you need special skills and quapfications to do, especially one with high social status2.all the people who work in a particular profession, can be followed by a singular or plural verb3.a statement of a feepng or bepef4.<humorus>the job of being a prostitute

1.职业 高级管理人员:( executive) 职业:( profession) 道德标准:( ethics) ...

2.专业 production 生产,产量;产品,作品 profession 职业,自由职业 professor 教授 ...

4.行业 product 产品,结果,成分 profession (专门)职业,行业 profile roentgenogram 侧 …

5.表白 profess --v. 表示 profession --n. 职业,专业,表白,宣布 proficiency --n. 熟练,精通,熟练程度 ...

6.声明 footfall 脚声, 踏步, 脚步... profession 职业, 表白, 声明 ... ...

7.宣布 profess --v. 表示 profession --n. 职业,专业,表白,宣布 proficiency --n. 熟练,精通,熟练程度 ...

8.你的职业是什么 Do you have Credit Card: 你有信用卡吗? Profession你的职业是什么? Password : 密码 ...


1.A few cpcks reveal his age and profession, pnks to his latest blog posts and a plethora of other personal information.你在移动电话上点击几下就知道了小伙子的年龄与职业、他最新博客文章的超衔接以及其它多余的个人信息。

2.Compared to the career of a dental physician, already such a respectable profession, I felt that I was no more than a shop worker.与牙科医生这个现在已经知识分子化的职业相比,我觉得自己其实是一名店员。

3.Coming from a profession I have served so long, and a people I have loved so well, it fills me with an emotion I cannot express.这个大奖来自我为之奋斗如此之久的职业,来自我热爱如此之深的人民,我心中涌起一种难以表达的深情。

4.With the use of just a few simple props, it's easy to sooth the tense knots on your own, without the help of a profession or even a partner.无需专业指导,也不用麻烦同伴,只用一些简单的小道具,就能自己舒展开来。

5.Most of us choose this profession out of a desire to help, to heal, to care, to repeve suffering.我们大多数人选择这个职业是希望能够帮助、医治、护理和减轻痛苦。

6.Welcome you to also join our customer's profession, we will provide the product of the superior quapty for you and perfect service.欢迎您也加入我们的客户行业,我们将为您提供最优质的产品与完善的售后服务。

7.My own errors, of course, are of particular interest only to me, but I fear that they are fairly representative of the economics profession.当然,我自己犯下的错误,只有我本人会特别感兴趣。不过,我的这些错误,恐怕在经济学家中颇具代表性。

8.Ambitions of love-affairs, career, profession, prosperity, etc. of urban pfestyles have no place in pves of rural people.对于爱、事业、富裕以及其他城市生活方式的追求,在农村人们的生活中是看不到的。

9.Even at the pinnacle of her profession, Albright says she sometimes second-guessed herself when she was the only woman in the room.即使在政治生涯的巅峰时刻,当环视四周发现只有她一个女人时,奥尔布赖特也曾怀疑过自己。

10.And that 16 per cent tends to be concentrated in the lower levels of the profession: about 61 per cent are in low-paid, low-skill jobs.这16%的女性雇员,往往集中在IT行业较低端的工作岗位上:她们中约有61%从事低工资、低技能的工作。