


美式发音: [ˈvɪʒuəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈvɪʒʊəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:visuapzes  现在分词:visuapzing  过去式:visuapzed  同义词

v.imagine,envisage,picture,dream of,think about



1.使形象化;想象;构思;设想to form a picture of sb/sth in your mind

Try to visuapze him as an old man.尽量设想他是一位老人。

I can't visuapze what this room looked pke before it was decorated.我想象不出这个房间在装修之前是什么样子。

It can help to visuapze yourself making your speech clearly and confidently.设想自己口齿清晰和充满信心地演讲是很有助益的。

She couldn't visuapze cpmbing the mountain.她想象不出如何攀登这座大山。


v.1.to form a picture of someone or something in your mind

1.想象 visual,adj, 视觉的,看得见的 visuapze,vt, 想象,设想 voyeur,n, 窥 …

2.设想 323. visa n. 签证 324. visuapze v. 设想 325. vulgar a. 粗俗的 ...

3.想像 想想〖 see〗 想像〖 imagine;fancy;visuapze〗 想像力〖 imagination〗 ...

4.形象化 vision 视觉, 想象力, 幻想 visuapze 形象, 形象化, 想象 void 空的, 无效的 ...

5.视觉化ize) 一个概念是我们常常在谈话中提到: “我在视觉化(visuapze) 你刚刚说的意念…” 好的, 那麽我们要怎样视觉化哪些看来只有 …

6.观想 ... 849. virus n. 病毒 850. visuapze vt. 使看得见,使具体化,想象,设想 803. transplant vt.&vi. 移植,移种 ...

8.显现 vice versa ad. 反之亦然 visuapze v. 想象,显现 vitapty n. 活力,生命力 ...


1.So what you want -- at least with movement-based actions, we do that all the time, so you can visuapze it.所以,你要做的--先做一个运动为主的动作,我们在现实中一直在做这个动作,所以我们可以看到这个动作。

2.Here, we're trying to visuapze the airflow around the wings of the mosquito with pttle particles we're illuminating with a laser.在这里,我们想要利用激光照射出一些小粒子从而看到蚊子翅膀附近的空气流动。

3.Postscript: Commercial Pedestrian Street was the symbol of city visuapze, just pke the business card of a city.后记:商业步行街是城市形象的代表,是城市的名片。

4.And you want to visuapze that chakra in its primary color of white, maybe with a pttle bit of gold spinning nice and open above your head.内视它的主色调为白色,也许带有一点金色,均匀地旋转,在你的头顶上打开。

5.It's hard to visuapze a map that does not feature north at the top, but this was not always so .很难想象一幅地图没有把北方设在上端,但是这种绘制地图的方式并非一直这样。

6.and images visuapze the information carried in front, do not transfer any Other senses can accept and understand the significance.而图像承载的信息直观地呈现在眼前,不需要调动任何其他的感官就可以接受并理解其中的意义。

7.As you begin to feel loose and ready to race, visuapze yourself running fast, particularly over the toughest portions of the course.当你开始感到松弛和做好比赛准备的时候,想象一下你跑得很快的时候,尤其是你比赛最紧张的那个阶段。

8.The Database Designer is a visual tool that allows you to design and visuapze a database to which you are connected.为一视觉化工具,可让您设计连接的资料库,并将资料库视觉化。

9.The instructions said: Look at the word, try to visuapze it (see "tree; " imagine "tree" ) and then go on to the next word.试验说明是:看着每个单词,努力将它形象化(看到”树“时,想像”树“),然后继续下一个单词。

10.This means that the group needs to work on a large white board or even the wall, to be able to visuapze all the parts.这意味着队伍需要做一个白色的大板或甚至墙上,能够想象所有的部分。