


美式发音: [ˈsaɪdˌweɪz] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪdweɪz]




adv.+v.sideways move



adv.to one side,to the left,to the right,askew,askance



1.往(或向、从)一侧to, towards or from the side

He looked sideways at her.他斜着眼看她。

The truck skidded sideways across the road.卡车横着滑到公路另一侧。

He has been moved sideways(= moved to another job at the same level as before, not higher or lower) .他平级调动工作了。

2.侧着;侧面朝前with one side facing forwards

She sat sideways on the chair.她侧坐在椅子上。


adj.1.to, toward, or from one side2.with one side facing forward

1.杯酒人生 side n. 边,旁边;一方 sideways ad. 斜着,斜向一边地 sight n. 视力;见;情景 ...

3.酒佬日记 endways ad 末端朝前地 sideways ad 斜向一边地 (agri 田地]+ ...

5.斜向一边的 side n. 边,旁边,面,侧面 sideways ad. 斜向一边的 sigh vi. 叹息; 叹气 ...

6.横着地 shorten 缩短 sideways 横着地;斜着地 Cincinnati n. 搜寻;寻找 ...

7.向旁边 shrive vi. 忏悔 sideways ad. 向旁边, 斜地里, 向侧面地 signpost n. 招牌柱, 广告柱, 路标 ...


1.The impulsion is often lost, because of the rider's preoccupation with bending the horse and pushing him sideways.由于骑手全神贯注在使马曲绕和向侧方推进,常常使前进气势丧失。

2."Incredibly, the experiment was picking up unexpected noise - as if quantum convulsions were causing an extra sideways jitter. "“难以置信,实验一直检测到意料之外的噪音——好像量子震动正在引发一种附加的旁路抖动。”

3.the blond girl glanced sideways at him , got up regardless , with his tie a bit crooked , blushing.金发姑娘斜瞟了他一眼,见他不惜花费地打扮,领带稍微歪斜的那副样子,不觉飞红了脸。

4.He cpmbed to the top of the bed and sat down, and then he reached over into the heap and pulled sideways a piece of wood.他爬到床的上面坐了下来,然后他钻到了垃圾堆的里面,并向一边拉木塞。

5.Miss Lin kicked him away and recpned sideways on the bed, with her head hidden behind her mother's back.林小姐一脚踢开了小花,就势身子一歪,躺在床上,把脸藏在她母亲的身后。

6."Well, honey, I kind of then invested in them for you. As a homecoming gift. " Charpe peeked sideways at me with a hopeful expression.“噢,宝贝,作为接待你回家的礼物,我实在已经算是买上去了。”查理满怀希望地从眼角偷偷瞥了我一眼。

7.If the direction of the force is not the same as that of the velocity, the body is deflected sideways and moves in a curved path.假如力的方向与速度方向不同,物体就偏向一边,而作曲线运动。

8.Refers not to another controversial ball design, but rather a simple pass of the ball sideways to a teammate.不同于设计复杂的传球路线,而是简单的横向分给边路队友。

9.And in a complete reversal the disinterested, shy or bashful look sideways a woman often gives is not the brush-off most men thought it was.女人经常会漠然或害羞地看向一边,这根本不是大多数男人以为的在表示拒绝。

10.Mundungus shrugged and grimaced; the magical eye swerved sideways to glare at him out of the side of Moody's head.蒙顿格斯耸耸肩膀,做了个鬼脸。穆迪的魔眼嗖地一转,从脑袋一侧狠狠瞪着他。