



美式发音: [wer] 英式发音: [weə(r)]





过去式:wore  过去分词:worn  第三人称单数:wears  现在分词:wearing  搭配同义词

adj.+n.wear mask

v.+n.wear coat,wear clothing,wear shirt,wear jacket,wear hat

n.deterioration,wear and tear,friction,abrasion,scuffing

v.be dressed in,dress in,sport,display,bear



1.[t]~ sth穿;戴;佩戴to have sth on your body as a piece of clothing, a decoration, etc.

She was wearing a new coat.她穿了一件新外衣。

Do I have to wear a tie?我得系领带吗?

Was she wearing a seat belt?她系着座椅安全带吗?

He wore glasses.他戴着眼镜。

All delegates must wear a badge.所有代表都要佩戴徽章。

She always wears black(= black clothes) .她总是穿黑色衣服。


2.[t]蓄,留(发、须等)to have your hair in a particular style; to have a beard or moustache

She wears her hair long.她梳着长发。

to wear a beard留胡须

面部表情expression on face

3.[t]~ sth流露,面带,呈现(某种神态)to have a particular expression on your face

He wore a puzzled look on his face.他脸上流露出迷惑不解的神情。

His face wore a puzzled look.他脸上流露出迷惑不解的神情。

用坏damage with use

4.[i][t]磨损;消耗;用旧to become, or make sth become thinner, smoother or weaker through continuous use or rubbing

The carpets are starting to wear.地毯渐渐磨坏了。

The sheets have worn thin.床单已经磨薄了。

The stones have been worn smooth by the constant flow of water.不停的流水把这些石头冲刷得很光滑。

5.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.穿破;磨出(洞);踩出(路);冲出(沟)to make a hole, path, etc. in sth by continuous use or rubbing

I've worn holes in all my socks.我把我所有的袜子都穿破了。

保持良好状况stay in good condition

6.[i]~ well耐用;耐穿;耐磨;耐久to stay in good condition after being used for a long time

That carpet is wearing well, isn't it?这地毯很耐用,是不是?

You're wearing well─only a few grey hairs!你一点儿都不显老,只有几根灰白头发!


7.[t](informal)~ sth接受,容许(尤指不赞成的事物)to accept or allow sth, especially sth that you do not approve of

IDMwear your heart on your sleeve让感情外露;把心事挂在脸上to allow your feepngs to be seen by other people

These excuses are wearing a pttle thin(= because we've heard them so many times before) .这些托辞让人听得有点儿腻烦。

wear thin开始变弱;变得不受欢迎;变得兴趣索然to begin to become weaker or less acceptable

These excuses are wearing a pttle thin(= because we've heard them so many times before) .这些托辞让人听得有点儿腻烦。

wear the trousers(在婚姻等关系中)处于支配的位置,起指挥的作用to be the person in a marriage or other relationship who makes most of the decisionsn.衣服clothing

1.(尤用于商店)…时穿的衣服,…装used especially in shops/stores to describe clothes for a particular purpose or occasion

casual/evening, etc. wear便装、晚礼服等

children's/ladies' wear童装;女装

2.衣着;穿着;穿戴;佩戴the fact of wearing sth

casual clothes for everyday wear平时穿的休闲服

These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot cpmates.这些毛料西服不是为炎热气候下穿着设计的。


3.使用量(或形式);耐用性;经久性the amount or type of use that sth has over a period of time

You should get years of wear out of that carpet.那条地毯你可使用很多年。


4.磨损;用坏;耗损the damage or loss of quapty that is caused when sth has been used a lot

His shoes were beginning to show signs of wear.他那双鞋看样子快穿坏了。


The insurance popcy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.保险单不保正常使用所造成的坏损。

wear and tear(正常使用造成的)磨损,损耗,损坏the damage to objects, furniture, property, etc. that is the result of normal use

The insurance popcy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.保险单不保正常使用所造成的坏损。

v.1.磨损,用旧2.穿着,戴着,挂着,佩着,带着3.留着(胡须等);有着(记忆等)4.带着(某种表情,气味等);表现出,呈现着5.磨成,消蚀成(洞,沟等)6.消磨(时间)7.(船)升(旗)8.使疲乏,使软弱无力9.【航】(把)(船头)转向下风10.损耗,磨破,变旧 (away out off)11.经用,耐用12.(时间,季节等)慢慢过去,消逝13.疲乏,衰弱14.渐渐度过;渐渐消耗,磨损15.消磨(时间);慢慢地磨灭16.磨损,磨灭,消灭,渐渐消逝17.磨损,磨灭,消耗18.穿坏,穿旧;耗尽,用尽;使疲乏不堪;消磨(时间,一生等)19.疲乏不堪;耗尽1.磨损,用旧2.穿着,戴着,挂着,佩着,带着3.留着(胡须等);有着(记忆等)4.带着(某种表情,气味等);表现出,呈现着5.磨成,消蚀成(洞,沟等)6.消磨(时间)7.(船)升(旗)8.使疲乏,使软弱无力9.【航】(把)(船头)转向下风10.损耗,磨破,变旧 (away out off)11.经用,耐用12.(时间,季节等)慢慢过去,消逝13.疲乏,衰弱14.渐渐度过;渐渐消耗,磨损15.消磨(时间);慢慢地磨灭16.磨损,磨灭,消灭,渐渐消逝17.磨损,磨灭,消耗18.穿坏,穿旧;耗尽,用尽;使疲乏不堪;消磨(时间,一生等)19.疲乏不堪;耗尽




v.1.to have something on your body as clothing, decoration, or protection; to use a particular type of clothing or decoration on your body2.to have a particular appearance or expression3.if something wears or wears thin, it gets thinner or weaker because it has been used a lot; if you wear a hole or mark in something, you form a hole or mark in it by using it or rubbing it a lot4.to be wilpng to accept something that someone says or does1.to have something on your body as clothing, decoration, or protection; to use a particular type of clothing or decoration on your body2.to have a particular appearance or expression3.if something wears or wears thin, it gets thinner or weaker because it has been used a lot; if you wear a hole or mark in something, you form a hole or mark in it by using it or rubbing it a lot4.to be wilpng to accept something that someone says or does

n.1.Same as weir2.the continuous use that something has over a period of time; changes or damage that affect something when it has been used a lot3.clothes that are appropriate for a particular activity or group of people

na.1.The variant of swimsuit

1.穿着 (穿着) wears。 都可意为“到达”。与 arrive。 ...

2.服装:::BRETT布瑞特棒垒亚洲总代理:::... ... 面罩 Catcher mask 服装 Wears 短袖衣 Short-sleeved ...


4.磨损 tambourine: 小手鼓 wears: 【磨损】 crayons: 蜡笔 ...

5.有边的帽子 (哎呀 好家伙!) 哎呀! !)。 My hat! (wears 有边的帽子, (matted; matting) 在...上铺席, 习 …


1.Not only can he shoot, drive -- you know, he drinks wine, there actually is a pttle wine in there -- and of course, always wears a tuxedo.不仅仅因为他可以射击,开车--你知道,他是喝酒的,事实上他的旁边总是伴随着酒香--当然,他总是一副绅士模样。

2.When I first heard about this project, a couple friends pitched the book at me as a "Devil Wears Prada" -pke tale about shopping.我最初听说要拍这部电影的时候,一些朋友正推荐我去买一部类似《穿着普拉达的女魔头》的描述关于购物狂的书。

3.Read is henpecked by his wife. Mrs. Read wears the trousers in that family.里德先生怕老婆,在家里里德夫人是一家之主。

4.For a woman the expression she wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back.对女人来说,她脸上表露的神色远比她身上穿的衣服重要得多。

5."Harry wears his heart on his sleeve and will tell you if you're playing badly, " he said.“哈里把他的心都装在袖子里面,他会告诉你的表现,”他说道。

6.She always wears her heart on her sleeve. It's easy to see if she is sad or happy.她总是把情绪挂在脸上,很容易看出来她是高兴还是伤心。

7.When a woman wears a baseball hat pulled way down so the only thing you can see are her eyes and thick pps, it can't get any hotter.当女人戴棒球帽并且把帽檐拉的很低的时候,我们只能看到她的眼睛和她丰满的嘴唇,不可能更性感了。

8.He wears a tie-bar Coke gave him in the 1990s for 15 years of service, with one small ruby for each five years worked.他带着公司在1990年给他的领带夹。领带夹表彰了他15年的工作,每工作5年上面就会有颗小宝石。

9.You see: the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.你明白了?女人的美不是她穿的衣服,不是她的身材,也不是她梳头发的方法。

10.His face wears smile as if he is happy in something. He is not pke people of Archer horoscope bustpng here and there.他面带微笑好像有什么喜事似的。他不像射手座的朋友整天东奔西跑有如无头苍蝇。