


美式发音: ['kɛnɪθ] 英式发音: ['kenɪθ]





1.肯尼斯 Timberland( 天伯伦) KENNETH肯尼斯) AMERICAN( 美国之鹰) ...

2.肯尼士 Ken 肯恩 苏格兰 一位英俊的领导者 Kenneth 肯尼士 苏格兰 一位英俊的领导者 Kerr 科尔 爱尔兰 指持矛的黑人 ...

3.肯尼思 Ken 肯恩 苏格兰 一位英俊的领导者 Kenneth 肯尼思 苏格兰 一位英俊的领导者 Kerr 科尔 爱尔兰 指持矛的黑人 ...

4.霍启刚 Kelly 陈慧琳∕林熙蕾 Kenneth 马国明∕陈启泰∕卢惠光 Kenny 何家劲∕锺镇涛∕关智斌 ...


1.This, explains Kenneth Aldrich, the firm's boss, is something that could not be implanted into a woman's womb and produce a child.公司的老板KennethAldrich解释道这个东西是不能种植到妇女的子宫中然后生出小孩的。

2.There are also ominous signs of what economist John Kenneth Galbraith called the "bezzle" beginning to appear above the surface.这里还有一些不祥之兆:被经济学家约翰•肯尼思•加尔布雷斯(JohnKennethGalbraith)称为“贪污”的行为开始出现。

3.Kenneth Bianchi's biological mother was an alcohopc prostitute who gave him up for adoption at birth.肯尼斯·比安奇的生母是一名酗酒成性的妓女,在他刚出生时就将他送到了领养机构。

4.New Orleans has something of a holy trinity, says Kenneth Schwartz, dean of Tulane University's architecture school.杜兰大学(TulaneUniversity)建筑学院的院长肯尼思•施瓦兹表示,新奥尔良可以说是一个“三位一体”的城市。

5.I had no idea that Kenneth was leaving the country. He had not told me his plans, so I was completely in the dark.我丝毫不知肯尼思要出国了,他没有告诉我,因此我全然蒙在鼓里。

6.There was Kenneth Lay, whose moniker should have warned any innocents that cpmbing into bed with him was going to be a mistake.比如,肯尼思•莱(KennethLay),他的名字应让任何清白之人有所警戒:跟他同床共枕将是失策。

7.I sat down in the porch and wept as for a blood relation, desiring Kenneth to get another servant to introduce him to the master.我坐在门廊里,哭得像在哭自己亲人似的,要肯尼兹先生另找个仆人引他去见人。

8.Kenneth, if it was not for that rancid bubble, I would not be here today.如果不是那腐臭的气泡,我现在不会在这里。

9.Age fast, or age slow -- it's up to you, ' declares Dr. Kenneth Cooper, president and founder of The Aerobics: Center in Dallas.“老得快还是老得慢取决于你,”达拉斯增氧健身法中心总裁和创办者肯尼斯·库柏博土宣称。

10.He worked long ago with one previous winner, Kenneth Arrow, and was the graduate adviser to another, Daniel McFadden.他曾经与前诺贝尔奖获得者肯尼斯·阿罗长久共事,也是是另一位诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·麦克法登的研究生导师。