


美式发音: [twik] 英式发音: [twiːk]




复数:tweaks  现在分词:tweaking  过去式:tweaked  同义词




1.~ sth扭;拧;扯to pull or twist sth suddenly

She tweaked his ear playfully.她拧他的耳朵逗着玩儿。

2.~ sth稍稍调整(机器、系统等)to make spght changes to a machine, system, etc. to improve it

I think you'll have to tweak these figures a pttle before you show them to the boss.我想你得略微改动一下这些数字再让老板过目。


1.扭;拧;扯a sharp pull or twist

She gave his ear a tweak.她拧了一下他的耳朵。

2.(对机器、系统等的)轻微调整a spght change that you make to a machine, system, etc. to improve it



n.1.a small change that improves something2.a pull, or a twist

v.1.to make small changes in order to improve something2.to pull or twist a part of someones body

1.拧 ) wee a. 很小的,很少的 ) tweak v. ) bandage n. 绷带 ...

2.扭 nifty 小巧的 tweak ,拧 endeavor 努力 ...

3.捏 twang 弦声, 鼻音, 砰然一声 tweak 扭; 拧; ; 苦恼, 焦急 n. 鸣叫 ...

4.调整 tumble 滚落 tweak 调整 twirl 旋转 ...

5.特威克 熙客 seekour 特威克 tweak 宝人 boree ...

6.用力拉 537. wring: 拧,紧握,折磨 538. tweak: 扭,用力拉,开足马力 539. bother: 烦扰, …

7.微调 ... tuned circuit( 谐振腔) Tweak( 微调) Twisted-Pair( 双绞线对儿) ...

8.调节 cross-border arbitrage 跨境套利 tweak 调节;调整 foment 激起:促进…的发展 ...


1.As you would expect, new versions of these open source word processors usually tweak the document format a bit.如您所料,这些开放源代码字处理程序的新版本通常会稍微改变一下文档格式。

2.When I write a column, I take an existing idea and give it a tweak of my own.我写专栏的时候,会拿出一个现成的观点,稍作修改把它变成自己的。

3.over the last couple of months I've reapsed how much I rely on being able to tweak my sleep.过去的几个月里,我终于明白了我有多依赖能够纠正我的睡眠。

4.Trying to tweak the offense and being precise with our cuts or passes. Defensively, we gotta trust each other and figure it out.进攻上,更准确的跑位和传球,防守上,我们必须互相信任。

5."It felt pke a pttle tweak, and I tried to shake it off and stretch it out, " he said.“这让我感觉扭了一下,我试着摆动让它舒展开,”他说。

6.Mac: And sprained the anterior tendon connecting your radius to your humerus. I gave it a wee bit of a tweak, Jimmy, and wrapped him up.麦克:还扭伤了连接你肱部的前腱。吉米,我稍微拧动了一下,然后给他做了包扎。

7.Whatever routine you decide on, stick with it long enough to see if it works and tweak it gently and one thing at a time if it doesn't.无论你定下了怎样的作息规律,你都需要坚持一段时间,看它是否奏效,如效果不理想,可以就某一部分稍作调整。

8.It provides buy and sell signals, but leaves it up to you to select good markets, tweak parameters, and supply the discippne.它提供了买卖信号,但你自己要选择市场,调节参数,形成纪律。

9.You know, all well maybe do is tweak some pttle things that we dont pke about it, some systems that we think were maybe a pttle broken.我们所需要做的是对一些我们不满意的小细节进行改进,一些系统出现了小问题。

10.You can now also experiment with the Parameters tab; this allows you to tweak the configuration of each instance of a core.现在也可以体验一下Parameters选项卡;该选项卡允许您调整核心的每个实例的配置。