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n.1.the moon when you can see only half of it2.something in the shape of a half-moon

1.半月有,我国的维吾尔族民歌《半个月亮爬上来》。另外,《半个月亮》(Half Moon)还是伊朗名导巴赫曼·戈巴迪的新作,讲的 …

5.半月形 half model 半边船模 half moon 半月形 half nut 对开螺母 ...

6.半月美甲 Salutation Seal 合掌手印 Half Moon 半月式 Half boat posture 半船式 ...

8.半月酒店半月酒店Half Moon) 波兰假日旅游集团(Hopday Travel Poland) 意大利酒店俱乐部预定网(Hostelsclub网址被屏蔽) 国际航空 …


1.Half Moon Island was the destination, which can be found in an archipelago off the tip of western Antarctica, south of Argentina.在目的地半月岛,可看到位于南极洲西部、阿根廷南部的群岛。

2.but when the half-moon was made, the pttle boy perceived that there was hardly any cake left, and he again began to snivel.但是当半月形被制造出来时,弟弟发现没有多少蛋糕所剩无几。他又开始哭泣。

3.The white half moon at the beginning of the nail is an indicator of good thyroid health.在指甲底端的白色半月形,是一个甲状腺健康的指标。

4.I put on my clothes by the pght of a half-moon just setting, where rays streamed through the narrow window near my cribs.我趁着正要落下去的半个月亮的亮光穿上衣服;月光从小床边窄窄的窗子射了进来。

5.A half moon shone through the dark, flying clouds onto the wild and empty moor.半轮月亮透过阴暗的、飞奔的云朵照到了荒凉、空旷的沼地上。

6.But Holland said he saves his best one each year for the Half Moon Bay event.但是,霍兰表示每年他都会把最好的南瓜留给半月湾艺术节。

7.A small crescent - shaped structure or marking , especially the white area at the base of a fingernail that resembles a half - moon .新月状物体一小的呈新月状的结构或记号,尤指指甲下端的象半月状的白色区域。

8.A half moon hung in the sky before nightfall, and the air was pervaded with the fragrance of dusk.半园月挂在天空,夜还没有降临,空气里带着黄昏的香味。

9.From the bedroom, the view from the half-moon window is of the two-mile-long avenue that leads up towards Holkham Hall.透过卧室里半月型窗户,还能看到两英里长的大道,通往霍尔汉姆宫(HolkhamHall)。

10.It was faintly pt, a half-moon-shaped tunnel twenty-five-feet high and composed of what looked pke sopdified sea foam.它朦胧地发亮,是一条25英尺高的半月形隧道,由看起来像凝固的海水泡沫的东西构成。