




1.违例建筑工程 unauthorized building 违例建筑物 unauthorized building works 违例建筑工程;僭建工程 unauthorized development 违例发 …

2.僭建工程 unauthorized building 违例建筑物 unauthorized building works 违例建筑工程;僭建工程 unauthorized development 违例发 …

3.建筑物家务必留意物业的改建是否合法,因为屋宇署有权对违例建筑物(Unauthorized Building Works)采取执法行动,发出清拆命令(…

4.僭建物 被木板击中头部 was hit on the head by a plank 僭建物 unauthorized building works 僭建的阳台 an illegal balcony ...

5.未经批准的她重申不要理解错「僭建」的意思,「僭建」实质解「未经批准的」(unauthorized building works),即是若果申请可能会批准 …


1.to tackle the problem of unauthorized building works ( ubws ) , the buildings department continued to embark on bptz clearance operations.屋宇署继续进行特别清拆行动,解决违例建筑物(违建物)的问题。

2.The aim is to stop propferation and persistence of unauthorized building works.修订的目的是遏止僭建问题恶化及持续下去。

3.Dangerous or unauthorized building works continue to abound and pose danger to the pubpc .危险或违例的建筑工程不胜枚举,并对市民构成危险。

4.The much stepped up enforcement against dangerous unauthorized building works in the past few years demonstrates our resolve in this regard.过去几年,政府更针对危险违例建筑工程而加强执法,足见我们在这方面的决心。

5.removal of unauthorized building works.清拆違例建築工程。

6.In the meantime, the number of complaints or reports about dangerous or unauthorized building works continues to be high与此同时,当局仍然收到许多有关危险或违例建筑工程的投诉或举报,数字如下