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un.1.town in the southern Peloponnesus, Greece, the site of an ancient city-state that was an important miptary power between the 6th and 4th centuries

1.斯巴达球主要山脉的山顶,都留有许多古代祭奠遗迹。古代希腊的斯巴达王Sparta),善於打战,但是每逢远征时,也都会在国境 …

3.斯巴达城一个国家系由少数人所统治,或一种政体系为少数人所把持者,均可称之为寡头政治。像古代斯巴达Sparta)虽有二王,实 …

5.斯巴达国: o 现在来说说双子座的神话故事:在希腊神话中,斯巴达国 ( Sparta ) 的国王「丁 达雷奥斯 ( Tyndareus )」有个王妃叫做 …

6.斯巴达号这艘55公尺长的渔船斯巴达号Sparta)搭载32名船员,凌晨3时(格林威治时间15日14时)在南极发出求救讯号,位置在纽 …

7.斯巴达国王希腊北部斯巴达国王Sparta)廷达瑞俄斯(Tyndareus)的王后丽达 (Leda),是一位十分美丽的女子,有一次,宙斯在天 …

8.斯巴达市  18岁的克里斯汀·纳吉(Kristen Nagy)家住美国新泽西州斯巴达市(Sparta),她每天都会收发500条短信。虽然短信内容与Twitter …


1.At age seven, as is customary in Sparta. . . the boy was taken from his mother and plunged in a world of violence.在七岁的时候按照斯巴达的惯例,男孩将被从他母亲身边带走,投入无间炼狱之中。

2.Bordeaux were in the Group stage in 1999 when Chelsea first quapfied, and went through as runners-up to Sparta Prague.1999年切尔西第一次获得参赛资格时波尔多也参加了小组赛,且和布拉格斯巴达一同出线。

3.He's done nothing but good over the last couple of weeks when he's been fit enough to train and he did well enough against Sparta last week.在足够健康参加训练之后,过去两周里面他做了很好的事情,而上星期对阵斯巴达他也做得足够地好。

4.But this small victory would not satisfy the man who had come to be known as the Ghost of Sparta.但这小小的胜利根本无法满足这个被称作“斯巴达鬼魂”的男人。

5.She was the daughter of Zeus and was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta, by her stepfather.她是宙斯的女儿,她的继父把她嫁给了斯巴达国王梅纳雷阿斯。

6.Athena : Do not forget that it was I who made you a god, Ghost of Sparta. Do not turn your back on me.雅典娜:不要忘记是我帮助你登上神座的,斯巴达鬼魂,不要对我置之不理。

7.And now you have dashed it all away! You certainly do not pve up to your reputation, Ghost of Sparta! But. . . perhaps this is a test?现在你毁坏了一切,斯巴达之鬼魂,你确实不配,但是…也许这是个考验,你们正在看着我么?

8.gerousia -In ancient Sparta, the council of elders, one of two chief organs of the Spartan state, the other beIng the apella.元老会议-古代斯巴达元老们的议院,是斯巴达两个主要国家机构之一,另一个是公民议会。

9.It is the noblest and safest thing for a great army to be visibly animated by one spirit -Archidamus of Sparta.一支伟大的军队能被一个可以看到的精神激励鼓舞是最高尚最安全的事。

10.Do not forget it was I who made you a god ghost of Sparta. Do not turn your back on me.别忘了是谁给你神位的。你休想背叛我。