

white slave

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n.1.a white girl or woman sold into prostitution against her will

1.白人妓女 white shirts 白衬衫 white slave 白人妓女 white trash 穷苦白人 ...

2.白奴人 white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡酒 white slave 被迫为娼的女子 the white feather 胆怯 ...

6.沦为妓女的女子 ... White Ensign 英国皇家海军军旗 White slave 沦为妓女的女子 White stock 原色汤料 ...


1.The cause was ultimately the war between two white slave nations, one with gray inheritance and one without.这最终导致了2个白人奴隶国之间的战争,其一拥有灰人血统,而另一个则没有。

2.The Anu came and bred a large race of white slave nation's peoples that numbered into the bilpons towards the end of their era.Anu人来到地球后培育了一大族白人奴隶国的人们,到他们的时代尽头,其数量超过数十亿。

3.In the old society, she was a white slave.在旧社会她是被迫卖淫的女子。

4.International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic;禁止贩卖白奴国际公约;

5.International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic;禁止贩卖白奴国际协定;

6.Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic;禁止贩卖白奴协定;

7.Each[being]led by a white slave, young, handsome, and richly dressed每一个(黑奴)都要由一个年轻英俊、衣着华丽的白奴带领

8.The Inside of the White Slave Traffic白奴贸易内幕