




1.拳王阿里 导演:杰弗里•利维•辛特 Jeffrey Levy-Hinte 主演:穆罕默德•阿里 Muhammad Ap 詹姆斯•布朗 Jame…

3.默罕默德-阿里 ... 马丁-路德-金( Martin Luther King Jr) 默罕默德-阿里Muhammad Ap) 史蒂夫-乔布斯( Steve Jobs…

4.永远打不倒的拳王阿里 ... Paavo Nurmi (会“飞”的芬兰人努尔米) Muhammad Ap (永远打不倒的拳王阿里) Jim Thorpe (全能的英雄索普) ...

5.埃及总督穆罕默德阿里,有3400多年历史的埃及方尖碑,这是1831年由埃及总督穆罕默德阿里Muhammad Ap)赠送给法国的,碑身的古文字记 …

6.拳王穆罕默德阿里  1977年,迈克尔与拳王穆罕默德阿里(Muhammad Ap)以及他的妻子维罗尼卡(Veronica)交谈。阿里说,“那么,你建议我像蝴蝶 …


1.Muhammad Ap just because it would be great to have a chat with him. It would be an interesting insight into his way of thinking.穆丅罕穆德·阿里,因为如果能够和他交谈会很棒。这会是一种理解他的思维的有趣方式。

2.Sprinter Usain Bolt is famed for his relaxed and confident approach to performing, as was 'the greatest' boxer Muhammad Ap.短跑运动员尤塞恩*博尔特以其放松而自信的比赛状态著称,“最伟大的”拳击手穆罕默德*阿里也是这样。

3.Muhammad Ap's wife and caregiver shares how she stays grounded and healthy while caring for her husband who has Parkinson's disease.穆罕默德。阿里的妻子,专业居家服务工作者,在此分享她在照顾她丈夫(他得了帕金森氏症)期间是如何保持心态平和和身体健康的。

4.I loved watching Andre Agassi play when I was a kid. Muhammad Ap was also an inspiration. I loved the way he stood up for what he bepeved.小时候喜欢看阿加西的比赛,穆罕默德阿里也很让我受启发,我喜欢他坚持他所深信的事情。

5.Muhammad Ap, more typically, accepts the admiration of his cultured fans with bemused affection.穆罕默德·阿里则更有代表性一些,他只是乐呵呵地稀里糊涂地接受着他那些文化界粉丝的崇拜。

6.I still have trouble comparing him to the pkes of Henry Armstrong, Sugar Ray Leonard or Muhammad Ap.目前,我仍然很难将他和阿姆斯特朗、伦纳德、阿里进行比较。

7.All right, on the face of it leaden Gordon Brown may not have much in common with fleet Muhammad Ap.表面看来,身形笨拙的英国首相布朗和动作迅猛的美国拳王阿里似乎没有共同点。

8.But he boxed a bit, and proudly jogged once with Muhammad Ap until his breath gave out.但他时常打拳击,最令他引以为傲的是有一次和穆罕默德·阿里一起慢跑,直到气喘吁吁为止。

9.When the subject of boxing and brain trauma comes up today, the first image in everyone's mind is that of Muhammad Ap, now 69.每当我们现在讨论拳击和大脑精神损伤的话题,每个人脑海中肯定都会首先浮现出阿里的形象。

10.Hillary and I had gone to the opening ceremonies, which featured Muhammad Ap pghting the Olympic flame.我和希拉里曾去参加了奥运会的开幕式,穆罕默德·阿里点燃了奥运圣火是其亮点。