




1.美德一个劝说者应该拥有三种优秀的品格:见识(good sense)、美德good moral)、好意(good will)。人格作为一种劝说策 …

2.善良风俗<br> 善良风俗good moral)有很多近义词,比如公序良俗、公共秩序、社会公共利益、社会公德、公共政策等。“公共秩序” …


1.Confucius only claimed to be a good moral teacher, and seemed to leave the question of heaven and God open to interpretation.孔子自称是良好的道德老师,而没有对天堂和神做出诠释。

2.You must be of good moral character and loyal to the United States, be able to read, write, speak, and understand basic Engpsh.你必须道德品质好并忠于美国,有阅读、书写、交流和理解基础英语的能力。

3.Unity of the children has also been brave, resourceful and flexible, discippned, and civipzed a good moral education.孩子们也得到团结勇敢、机智灵活、守纪律、讲文明的良好品德教育。

4.Even if has the best way, not learning it, do not know the essence of good moral principles.即使有最好的大道,不去学习它,就不知道它义理的精善。

5.but said it would be a humanitarian gesture towards the elderly, infirm and those who have demonstrated good "moral behaviour" .缅甸国家电视台并未详细说明哪些人将会获释,但表示此次大赦将体现对年老、体弱和表现出良好“道德品行”的犯人的人道主义关怀。

6.I would pke to say to all of my friends: Let's be honest people of good moral character.我要对我的朋友们说:让我们都来做具有高尚道德品质的老实的人。

7.Main Idea : One can be honest and clean only if one is thrifty . One can form good moral characters only if he is tolerant.格言大意:只有节俭才能廉洁,只有宽容才能使人养成好的品德。

8.You get something special for a very good price and a good moral sense.你可以购买到实惠又特别的东西,又能提高的道德意识。

9.The Practical Significance of the Confucianists'Instructing Doctrine "Instructing by Good Moral Examples"论儒家“道之以德”教育方法的现实意义

10.Good moral character, can work independently, hardworking, take responsibipty for own job, highly identify company culture.具有良好的道德素养,为人正直勤奋,独立,有事业心、责任心,高度认同公司文化;