


美式发音: [ˌpidiəˈtrɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌpiːdiəˈtrɪʃ(ə)n]






1.儿科医生;儿科专家a doctor who studies and treats the diseases of children

— see alsopaediatrician


n.1.a doctor who deals with children and the medical treatment of their illnesses

1.儿科医生 内科医生 Physician 儿科医生 Pediatrician 住院医师 Resident Doctor ...

2.儿科医师 nurse-- 护士 pediatrician-- 儿科医师 physician-- 内科医师 ...

3.小儿科医师 nursery n. 托儿所 pediatrician n. 小儿科医师 panel n. 专门小组 ...

4.小儿科医生 Work for … 在…工作 Pediatrician 小儿科医生 Name tag 标签 ...

5.儿科大夫 lounge 懒洋洋地躺、坐 pediatrician 儿科大夫 dermatologist 皮肤病学家 ...

6.儿科专家 pediatrics 儿科学,小儿科 pediatrician 儿科医生,儿科专家 Manuscript 手写本, …


1."My pediatrician is now a consultant for us and is replacing all the silly toys in his waiting room with iPads " he said.我的儿科医生现在是我们的顾问,他也已经把他诊所等候室里的傻玩具都换成了iPad。

2.Your pediatrician or pediatric dentist will let you know when your child is able to brush on his own.你的儿科医生或儿科牙医会告诉你什么时候你的孩子才能够独立刷牙。

3.Contact your pediatrician if the infrequent, hard stools seem to be causing significant discomfort to your baby.请与您的儿科医生联系,如果不经常,干结的大便似乎造成极大的不适对你的宝宝。

4.your pediatrician might be able to help ensure that a dose of that variety is available for your child if necessary.必要的时候,儿科医生也许可以确保您的孩子能接种上这种疫苗。

5.A pediatrician recently told me that to treat colds, chicken soup may be a better choice than over-the-counter cough and cold medicines.最近一位儿科医生告诉我说,要治疗感冒,鸡汤的效果可能比OTC咳嗽感冒药更好。

6.If you try all that on your next trip and your child still gets sick, ask your pediatrician about medication.如果在下一次的旅行中,你尝试了所有以上的方法仍然无效,去找儿科医师开药吧。

7.Also, be sure to check with your pediatrician before giving any over the counter mediation to your child.同样也要保证在给孩子吃非处方性药物前和儿科医生核实一下。

8.Not a parent myself and longing for a second opinion, I called up my older sister, a pediatrician and mother of two pttle girls.由于我本人不是孩子的家长,再加上我想听听他人的意见,所以我打电话向我姐姐咨询,她是儿科医生,而且已是两个小女孩的母亲。

9.So she took him to the pediatrician, who told her that she was making a big deal over nothing.于是带他去看儿科医生,然而医生说,她只不过是小题大作而已。

10.Visit your pediatrician if you think your child's unruly behavior stems from a psychological problem.如果你觉得你孩子的任性行为是由心理问题所致,就去看儿科医生。