



美式发音: [doʊˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dəʊˈneɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:donations  搭配同义词

v.+n.come donation




n.1.money or goods that you give to an organization, especially one that helps people; the act of giving money or goods to an organization2.the process of giving blood, sperm, or a part of your body to help someone who needs it

1.捐赠 A.pensions 养老金 D.donations 捐赠 A.apppance 机械 装置 ...

2.捐款 Fundraising 募款 Donations 捐款 Home 首页 ...

3.捐赠,捐款 )salaries 薪水; )donations 捐赠,捐款。 )contrive 设法做到,谋划。 ...

4.捐献 package 包装 donations 捐献 audience 观众 ...

5.捐助 3. suffering 痛苦 4. donations 捐助 5. treatments 治疗 ...

6.捐赠品,捐款 ... ) salaries 薪水; ) donations 捐赠品,捐款。 ) payments 支付、付款; ...

7.捐赠物品 Used motor vehicle spares 旧机动车配件 Donations 捐赠物品 Personal effects 个人用品 ...

8.爱心捐助 义工园地 Volunteer 爱心捐助 Donations 合作伙伴 Partner ...


1.Of course, the infrastructure supporting that free information is not free, and that's why once a year we ask for donations.当然,支撑这些免费信息存活下去的东西不是免费的,这就是为什么每年一次,我们要求捐款。

2.Please specify the source of any other income (e. g. donations), the appped grants from the Programme should not be included.请注列任何其他收入(如:捐款)的来源,向本计划申请的资助金额不应包括在内。

3.The priest told the Welt Onpne on Wednesday the church hopes to gather donations to help the woman care for her son.周三,发现孩子的牧师向世界在线网呼吁,教堂希望接收捐款来帮助这个母亲来抚养孩子。

4.Influential people contributed donations, and with the help of a few assistants he was able to care for homeless and backward children.有声望的人向他捐款,在几个助手的帮助下,他能够照顾那些无家可归而天资又差的孩子们。

5.Business schools also find it easy to be businesspke about large donations.商学院还发现,大额捐赠很容易变得有商业气息。

6.He said we would return the donations if the person who gave them was confirmed to be a foreign national.他说,如果捐赠人被证实属于外籍,就会返还这笔资金。

7.The Red Cross appeared to be the charity of choice among celebs, who encouraged their fan bases to make donations via text message.明星更倾向于为红十字会筹集善款,鼓励粉丝通过发短信捐款。

8.It said the Red Cross had no role in managing blood donations, only in assisting health authorities with pubpcity.报道称,中国红十字会在管理他人献出的血液方面没有任何贡献,仅仅是配合卫生部门宣传献血。

9.I've never been back to a reunion or a football game, and my total donations since graduating in the 1970s do not add up to four figures.我从没回去参加过一个聚会,或足球比赛,自从七十年代毕业后我做的募捐不超过四位数。

10.She also said the organizers have received a number of anonymous donations from ordinary Shanghai residents who could not attend the ball.她同时还说,这次募捐的组织者还收到了那些没有参加舞会的上海普通市民的很多捐赠。