

wooden spoon

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1.木匙;木勺a spoon made of wood, used in cooking for stirring and mixing

IDMget, win, take, etc. the wooden spoon(informal)(在赛跑或比赛中)获得最后一名,成为末名to come last in a race or competition


n.1.a spoon made from wood, used for mixing food when cooking

1.木勺 晾衣架( Wire Coat Hanger) 木勺( Wooden Spoon) X光视界( XRay Vision) ...

2.木匙 wooden spirit level 木水准仪 wooden spoon 木匙 wooden steamer 木蒸笼 ...

3.木匙子 ... )Can opener 开罐头用具 )Wooden spoon 木匙子 )Paring knife 削皮刀 ...

4.木制汤匙 14. burner 燃烧器 3. wooden spoon 木制汤匙 9. exhaust fan 抽油烟风扇 ...

5.木质汤勺 ... 5. He won the wooden spoon. 他是殿军。 WOODEN SPOON1. 木质汤勺 the wooden spoon1. …

6.木勺子 ... wine opener 开葡萄酒器 wooden spoon 木勺子 yellow pepper 黄胡椒 ...

7.末等奖 · To a T: 恰到好处地 · Wooden spoon: 末等奖 · Goody Two Shoes: 伪君子 ...

8.末名奖品 ... 令牌 token 末名奖品 wooden spoon;booby prize 普利策奖 Puptzer Prize ...


1.Then tap with a wooden spoon as you hold them upside down, but keep them close to the bottom of the sink so they don't break.接着把杯子倒置并用木勺轻轻地敲打,让这些热水贴紧底部就能保证碗不被打碎。

2.John, dabbing at an injury on his chin that wouldn't stop bleeding, walked in on his wife striking the man on his head with a wooden spoon.轻擦着下巴上一直流血的伤口,挡住了他妻子打向修理工头部的木调羹。

3.Empty the sachet into a mixing bowl. Add egg, water and oil. Mix with a wooden spoon until just combined.把香料到入碗中.加入蛋,水和油.用木勺搅拌至匀。

4.Allow to stew gently for half an hour, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Keep checking as they can easily burn at the beginning.炖半小时,间或用木勺搅拌一番,要时常查看因为前期苹果容易烧糊。

5." She admonished with a flourish of her wooden spoon, " and be careful in that place.她扬了扬木勺,又提醒道:“还有,在那里也要小心一点。”

6.I pushed the mass around with a wooden spoon, but it refused to crumble into the depcious bits I remembered my grandmother making.我用木勺子来回搅拌,但怎么弄也做不出在我记忆中祖母做的那种香喷喷的炒饭,一粒一粒的。

7.Whether Mama was standing over the pot stirring with a long wooden spoon or not, I knew I was home.不管妈妈当时是否正手拿一柄长木勺在汤罐旁边忙碌着,我都知道我已经到家了。

8.A wooden spatula is more practical for stirring than a wooden spoon; its flat surfaces are easily scraped off on the side of a pan or bowl.搅拌东西的时候木铲比木勺更好用,木铲平整的表面更容易刮擦锅碗的侧面。

9.You can print with a press, or by carefully rubbing your paper onto the inked block with the back of a wooden spoon.你能打印与出版社,或者通过仔细地揉你的纸上签署了块木质汤匙的后面。

10.Meanwhile, add lemon juice to pan; with a wooden spoon, stir and scrape up drippings, mixing with vegetables. Serve.同时,往盘中加入柠檬汁。用一个木勺将烤出的油脂刮下来,与蔬菜混在一次,就可以食用了。