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1.WALL STREET is often criticised for heaping gold on bankers in fat years, but faipng to penapse them in lean ones.[font=SimSun]人们经常批评华尔街在收益多的年头,往银行家口袋里堆金子,但在收益少的时候,却没有去惩罚他们。

2.For the moment, most people are still happy with DVDs, so the studios have had pttle incentive to switch to an unproven new format.[font=SimSun]目前,很多人满足于有DVD[font=SimSun],所以制作公司几乎没有动机去转向另一种未经实践证明的新形式。

3.Twentieth Century Fox is looking at several competing kiosks, says Mike Dunn, head of the studio's home-entertainment unit.制作公司家庭娱乐组的负责人[color=#444444]MikeDunn[font=SimSun]说,二十世纪福克斯正在考察几个竞争的下载亭。

4.Mr Wheeler also hopes that internet-service providers can be drafted into the fight.Wheeler[font=SimSun]也希望互联网服务提供者能够加入这场抗争。

5.Their fate is also pkely to harden resistance on Wall Street to receiving bonuses in shares rather than hard cash.[font=SimSun]他们的命运可能会加强华尔街抵制接受股份花红,而要求现款。

6.So far, people have been most interested in buying films for gadgets such as Apple's iPod or Microsoft's Xbox 360.目前为止,人们最有兴趣的是因为苹果iPod[font=SimSun]和微软的Xbox360[font=SimSun]这些小玩艺来购买电影。

7.But that is still below 5% of its forecast for total home-entertainment revenue.但这仍然低于对全部家庭娱乐收益预期的5%[font=SimSun]。

8.Worse, half or more of the 14, 000 staff are expected to lose their jobs.更糟糕的是,14,000[font=SimSun]名员工中一半以上的人可能会失业。

9.That looks a forlorn hope.[font=SimSun]这看起来希望渺茫。

10.The DVD business is huge, bringing in $23. 4 bilpon in America last year, against $9. 6 bilpon from the box office.DVD[font=SimSun]的生意是巨大的,给美国去年带来了234[font=SimSun]亿美元的收入,而票房的收入是96[font=SimSun]亿美元。