


美式发音: [rɪˈtɔrɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪˈtɒrɪk(ə)l]




adj.+n.rhetorical question




1.反问的;反诘的asked only to make a statement or to produce an effect rather than to get an answer

‘Don't you care what I do?’ he asked, but it was a rhetorical question .“我做什么,难道你不关心吗?”他问道,可那是个反问。

2.辞藻华丽的;虚夸的;花言巧语的intended to influence people, but not completely honest or sincere

3.修辞的;修辞性的;带有修辞色彩的connected with the art of rhetoric

the use of rhetorical devices such as metaphor and irony诸如暗喻和反讽等修辞手法的运用


adj.1.relating to a style of speaking or writing that is effective or intended to influence people2.written or spoken in a way that is impressive but is not honest

1.修辞的 render v. 使得, 使成为 rhetorical a. 修辞的 suck v. 吮吸 ...

2.修辞学的 fetish:n. 崇拜对象(或活动),偶像 rhetorical:adj. 修辞学的 exquisitely:adv. 精巧地,敏锐地 ...

3.带修辞色彩的 revolutionary 革命的 rhetorical 带修辞色彩的 right off 立刻, 马上, 一下子 ...

4.夸张的 ,the art of speaking 说话的 艺术 rhetorical a. 修辞的; 夸张的 rhinitis n. 鼻炎 ...


6.修辞性的这种“可操纵性(manipulative)”和“修辞性rhetorical)”特征,为政治行动者的“主体性意图表达”提供了广阔的、可用的空 …


1.A question to which no answer is expected, often used for rhetorical effect.反问:一种无需回答的问题,常为说服效果而使用。

2.(That's not quite true, of course, but poptics often involves a bit of sophistry and rhetorical sleight-of-hand).(这并不全是事实。当然,政治通常包括一点诡辩和修辞技巧)。

3.There was a time, in the first years of this century, when I had more florid and rhetorical ambitions.我也有过一段时间,基本是这个世纪的头几年,很是喜爱浮夸地堆砌辞藻。

4.It's an attempt to remind people that there is something there, even if it is now quite empty, shallow and rhetorical.其目的就在于提醒人民,的的确确是有某种东西存在着,哪怕现在相当地空洞、肤浅并且华而不实也无所谓。

5.During confirmation hearings last month, Sotomayor said the statement was a "rhetorical flourish that fell flat. "在上个月听证会期间,索托马约尔表示,那段发言是一个“失败的夸张动作”。

6.Let every reader lay on as much of the royal rhetorical colour as he finds to his taste.让每一位读者按照他自己的品味去尽量填加修辞的色彩吧。

7.His florid rhetorical style was typical of the era, and that speech is all but forgotten.这种辞藻丰富、修辞热烈的风格是那个时代的典型代表,但那篇演讲却只能被人遗忘。

8.In rhetorical terms, he might even hark back to his uncle with a new choice: "Karamanps or chaos. "在修辞方面,他学习他的叔叔给了人民另一个选择“卡拉曼利斯或混乱”。

9.Fortunately, at the rhetorical level, the leaders seem to understand that they must hang together or hang separately.幸运的是,与会的领导人至少在口头上表现出,他们理解必须团结一致,否则就只能是大家自取灭亡。

10.Finally, about that narrative: It's instructive to compare Mr. Obama's rhetorical stance on the economy with that of Ronald Reagan.最后,比较里根总统和奥巴马总统在经济上的立场是有益的。