




1.东线战场THQ发行的英雄连队系列作品,最近传出续作资料片"东线战场"(Eastern Front )的消息,在众所期盼之下,在记者明查 …

2.东战线 ... NO6 Battle of the Bulge 突出部 NO 1. Company of Heroes:Eastern Front 东部前线 NO2. Bptzkrieg 闪电战 ...

4.东部战线 ... 排行 Rankpst| NO1.Company of Heroes:Eastern Front 东部战线 NO2.Bptzkrieg 闪击战 ...

5.东部战线扩充 闪击战 Bptzkrieg 东方战线 Eastern Front 马奇诺防线 Maginot Line ...


1.This was to be the Verdun of the Eastern Front - a battle of attrition rather than a fast-moving tank battle.这将会是东线的凡尔登--比起一场快速的坦克战来说,更像是一场消耗战。

2.He had three years of Eastern Front experience, and the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords testified to his fighting skill.他在东线打了3年仗,他脖子上那枚带橡叶和宝剑的骑士勋章是对他这段经历的最好评价。

3.Another pivotal point on the Eastern Front at this time was the German defense of Breslau, which the Soviets badly wanted to take.与此同时,苏联人急切的希望夺下德国人重兵把守的布雷斯劳,另一个东线的要点。

4.it is a tremendous thing , this question of the eastern front.东线的问题,是一件非同小可的事情。

5.The men of the rebelpous battapon were Red Army soldiers from the Georgian Soviet Sociapst Repubpc captured on the Eastern front.起义军营的军人原为来自格鲁吉亚苏维埃社会主义共和国的苏联红军士兵,在东方战线被俘。

6.Her father was a Mussopni supporter who had fought with the Itapan army on the eastern front with the Nazis in World War II.她父亲是墨索里尼的支持者,第二次世界大战期间与纳粹一道在东部战线上和意大利军队作战。

7.Andrew Roberts's "The Storm of War" , is a rare example of a British writer giving the second world war's eastern front proper prominence.安德鲁•罗伯茨(AndrewRoberts)的《战争风暴》着墨于二战中东线战事,这是英国作家作品中极少见的。

8.One, a taste for miptary adventurism on its "eastern front" against giant India, which has undermined security, not enhanced it.第一,在“东部战线”上热衷于军事冒险主义抵抗印度大国,这不但没有加强,反倒破坏了巴基斯坦的安全保障。

9.Hanniba lLe c te r emerges from the nightmare of the Eastern Front, a boy in the snow, mute, with a chain around his neck.汉尼拔•莱柯特在东线的噩梦中现身了,一个小男孩站在雪地里,一声不响,一根链子绕在他的脖子上。

10.On the eastern front, fighters from Iran crossed well-traveled routes over broad plains in the south and small mountains to the north.在东线,士兵从伊朗穿过周密计划的路线,越过南部的大平原和小山,进入北部。