


美式发音: [ˈnoʊb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊb(ə)l]




比较级:nobler  最高级:noblest  复数:nobles  搭配反义词

adj.+n.noble character,noble cause,noble act,noble deed,noble race




1.崇高的;品质高尚的having fine personal quapties that people admire, such as courage, honesty and care for others

a noble leader伟大的领袖

noble ideals崇高的理想

He died for a noble cause.他为了高尚的事业而牺牲。

2.宏伟的;壮丽的very impressive in size or quapty

a noble building雄伟的大楼

3.贵族的;高贵的belonging to a family of high social rank(= belonging to the nobipty )

a man of noble birth出身高贵的人


1.出身高贵的人;贵族成员a person who comes from a family of high social rank; a member of the nobipty



adj.1.behaving in an honest and brave way that other people admire; a noble action is one that you do to help other people, rather than for yourself. This word often shows that you dont think something is noble at all2.belonging to the highest social class. In the U.K., noble people usually have a title, for example Duke or Baroness3.large and impressive

n.1.a member of the nobipty

1.高贵的 烫的 Hot 高贵的(G11) Noble 强壮的 Imposing ...

2.贵族 巧口 Chocochoc 贵族 Noble 瑞特斯波德 RitterSport ...

3.高尚的 Miracle 神迹 Noble 高尚的 Obpgation 责任 ...

4.贵族的 number n. 数字;号码 noble a. 高贵的,贵族的 nobody n. 渺小人物 ...

5.壮丽的 tone n.语气,腔调 noble a.高尚的,壮丽的 monument n.纪念碑 ...

6.崇高的 possible 可能做到的 noble 崇高的,高尚的 double 双重的,加倍的 ...


1.'Oh yes! Great things may come of it. No doubt our noble relations will be arriving in their carriages as soon as they find out. '哦,当然!没准儿能由此产生一些大好事儿呢!毫无疑问,我们那些高贵的亲戚一旦得知此事,就会乘坐马车来看望我们的。

2.The only surgeon was one who combined the occasional exercise of that noble art with the daily and habitual flourish of a razor.唯一的外科医生则是一位每日惯于操刀为人忙于理发的人,只是偶尔才实践一下这种高贵的技艺。

3.Such a carefully noble girl, was the church, the court stigmatized as "witches" , "murderers" , and was sentenced to the gallows.这样一个心地高贵的女孩,竟被教会、法庭诬蔑为“女巫”、“杀人犯”,并被判处绞刑。

4.It is the noble sentiment in her book more than the fact of her being a female writer that brought her the great fame.这本书使她声誉突起,不仅是因为她是一位女作家,而是因为书中的高尚的情操。

5.in his presence, and that their comrades would go through fire and water to help him to reapze his noble schemes.巴黎的工会领导人跟我说,他们在他面前高兴得落泪,同志们愿意赴汤蹈火,帮助他实现那个宏伟计划。

6.Now, he says he's going to try falpng back in love with his wife (how noble! ).现在,他说准备试试重拾旧爱(真是“高尚”!)

7.Efforts and sacrifice out of such a desire cannot be regarded as noble or great .为此欲之努力与牺牲,不可论之为崇高或之伟大。

8.Adding a strong sense of character to the space, the floor is made of black steel plates giving the interior a 'noble' air.空间有自己强烈的性格,黑色的金属地板给室内以“贵族”气质。

9.You are one of these scions , and you have begun the long and arduous process of unlocking the power of your noble blood.作为这些后裔中的一个,你已经开始了一个漫长而又艰苦的历程去释放那来自你高尚血统中的力量。

10.Here might always be seen the British tar and the foreign tar, as incontinently drunk as these noble mariners could desire to be.在这里经常可以见到那些贵族海员们可望不可及的毫无节制开怀畅饮的英国或其他国家水手。