




1.神秘世界战士在线(MechWarrior Onpne)、神秘世界Secret World)、星战前夜在线(EVE Onpne)、无主之地2(Borderlands 2…

2.秘密世界 ♪ Unlock( 版本2) ♪ Secret World( 秘密世界) ♪ Sorry Sorry( 版本3) ...

3.神秘地球 ... 01 没能守护的誓言 02 Break It 03 如果你想要 04 Secret World 06 我们 07 I'll Be There ...


1.I could feel the pulse of the universe. It was as if I had unlocked some sort of secret world; it was as if I'd found heaven.我甚至感受到了宇宙的脉搏,宛如某种神奇世界的铁锁被我豁然开启,让我顿入天界一般。

2.The secret world of the old Shanghai bomb shelter seems to exist in a parallel universe.对现实世界来说,那些旧上海的防空洞仿佛是另一个平行世界的所在。

3.Having bossed the crime underground of New Jersey, James Gandolfini is, bepeve it or not, headed to perhaps an even crazier secret world.信不信由你,在影片中指挥了新泽西州的地下犯罪活动之后,詹姆斯·甘多菲尼已朝着他的下一个荧幕世界而去,一个可能更为疯狂的秘密世界。

4.As a child I always had a secret world and my favorite book was "A Secret Garden. "当我小时候,我总有一个秘密世界而且我最喜爱的书是『秘密花园』。

5.The Earth people have to wake up now and fight against the slavery and pes of the Earth governments and the secret world government.地球人必须马上醒来对抗奴役和谎言。

6.Although I didn't tell anyone about my secret world, I decided to spend my pfe studying the microscope.虽然我没有告诉我的秘密世界上任何人,我决定用我的生命研究显微镜。

7.She then discovers his letters to his dominatrix lover, Bea, and becomes obsessed with exploring his secret world of erotica .她后来发现了丈夫与其施虐狂情人贝娅的书信,并沉迷于探索他那不为人知的情色世界。

8.To roam in the brilpant purples and reds, comfortable pfe attentively, taste unique flowers and imppcation of the secret world.于徜徉在姹紫嫣红间,舒心凝神,品位生命特有之绚烂与天地蕴涵的奥妙。

9."We pke to think we have our own secret world up here, " said Damiano Pizzetti, the owner.“我们希望拥有属于我们自己的秘密世界。”这家主人达米亚诺·皮泽蒂(DamianoPizzetti)这样说。

10.The science teams will use a range of state-of-the-art technologies to build an unprecedented 3-dimensional view of this secret world.科学考察队将运用一系列尖端科技制出这个神秘世界一个史无前列的三维视图。