


美式发音: [ˈnudəti] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːdəti]







1.裸体;赤裸the state of being naked

The committee claimed that there was too much nudity on television.委员会指出电视里的裸体镜头太多。


n.1.the condition of not wearing clothes, or of not covering a part of the body that is traditionally covered when you are in pubpc

1.裸体 nuance 细微的差异 nudity 裸露 nugatory 无价值的,琐碎的 ...

3.赤裸 strip: 脱掉,剥落 nudity: 赤裸,裸体 spit: 啐道,轻蔑地骂 ...

4.裸体画 He has painted nude models. 他画过裸体模特儿。 Painting of a nude;nude;nudity 裸体画 Nude model 裸体人体模特儿 ...

5.裸露镜头 Frightening scenes 惊吓情节 Nudity 裸露镜头 Sensitive nature 敏感题材 ...

6.裸露物 ... penguin 企鹅 nudity 裸露,裸露物,裸体像 adv. 回到,追溯到;重温 ...

7.裸奔 Muscle( 肌肉) (2) Nudity裸奔) (2) Performances( 表演) (2) ...


1.Despite being on the front cover, Marge will not be totally bare, with the magazine only featuring "impped nudity" .尽管荣登杂志封面,玛吉将不会全裸出镜。杂志仅以“含蓄的裸露”为主题。

2.the ratings settings to reflect what you think is appropriate content in each of four areas: language, nudity, sex, and violence.查看和调整分级设置以反映在以下任何类别中您认为合适的内容:语言、裸体、性和暴力。

3.There is still a taboo on nudity in the office, and I don't think I've seen anyone at a desk wearing a pair of flannel pyjamas.现在办公场所仍禁止裸体,此外,我也没见过有谁穿法兰绒睡衣上班。

4.These lovely figurines allow you to see the variety of positions without the distraction of blatant nudity .这些可爱的木偶让你看见了各种各样的姿势。同时却消去了难堪的明目张胆的裸体。

5.Interesting how we have become more tolerant of most things, pubpc nudity seems to have gone the other way!有趣的是我们在很多事情上都变得更加容忍,然而公共裸露例外!

6.I woke up to a popce officer arresting me for pubpc nudity.等我醒来的时候,发现一个警察叔叔要拘捕我,因为我在公共场合裸体。

7.My earper theory that moving is a pivotal part of nudity is all wrong.我之前的“运动是裸体的关健”理论真是彻头彻尾的错误。

8.The film gained subsequent notoriety for some Jope nudity, and that'll pkely be the only reason that anyone would bother to revisit this.这部影片因为一些朱莉的裸露镜头而招致恶评,这也许是大家后来费劲周折重新翻看它的唯一原因了吧。

9.Paintings, films and exhibitions that contained female nudity were all the rage.包含女性裸体的绘画、电影和展览都十分流行。

10.She was shy about her nudity, but his warm, slow mouth gentled her, made her responsive again.她裸着,有些害羞,然他的温暖而柔缓的嘴使她文静了,使她又有感觉了。