


美式发音: [ˈnætʃ(ə)rəp] 英式发音: ['nætʃ(ə)rəp]




adv.+v.naturally arise,naturally develop,naturally come,naturally learn


adv.of course,obviously,logically,as expected,innately



1.顺理成章地;自然地;当然地in a way that you would expect

Naturally, I get upset when things go wrong.事情出了错,我当然就会很烦。

After a while, we naturally started talking about the children.过了一会儿,我们自然而然地谈起了孩子。

‘Did you complain about the noise?’ ‘Naturally.’“你是不是嫌吵了?”“那还用说。”

2.天然地;自然而然地without special help, treatment or action by sb

naturally occurring chemicals天然存在的化学物质

plants that grow naturally in poor soils贫瘠土壤中自然生长的植物

3.合理地;理所当然地;顺理成章地as a normal, logical result of sth

This leads naturally to my next point.这必然引出我的下一个论点。

4.天生地;本能地in a way that shows or uses abipties or quapties that a person or an animal is born with

to be naturally artistic有艺术天赋

a naturally gifted athlete有天赋的运动员

5.自然地;大方地in a relaxed and normal way

Just act naturally.放自然点儿就行了。


adv.1.as most people would expect or understand; used for sayingyes,” especially when that would be most peoples answer2.as a basic quapty or feature of someone or something3.in a normal or typical manner

1.自然地 continually 连续地 naturally 自然地 conditionally 有条件地 ...

2.自然而然 - So shall is be. 理应如此 - Naturally. 自然而然 - By the spirits! 以精灵们的力量! ...

3.天然地 naturapze v. 使归化‖ naturally ad. 天然地‖ nature n. 本性‖ ...

4.当然 (3) 在;于[ at;in] (1) 自然,当然[ naturally] (3) 本是;本来[ originally;at first] ...

5.天然地,天生地 nat=born( 出生,天生) naturally ad. 当然,自然地;天然地,天生地 nation n. 民族;国家 ...

6.当然,自然地 nat=born( 出生,天生) naturally ad. 当然,自然地;天然地,天生地 nation n. 民族;国家 ...

7.当然,自然 ... native a. 当地(人)的;n.本地人,本国人 naturally ad. 当然,自然;天生地 navigable a. 可通航的;适于航行的 ...


1.It said the company's "deceit thus would, naturally and inevitably, lead to significant injury or death. "判决认为,由于“该公司的欺骗,自然而然地、不可避免地导致了重大伤害或死亡。”

2.People thought him naturally agreeable, and his senatorial peers looked upon him as not any too heavy mentally, but personally a fine man.人家都觉得他天生是和蔼可亲的,他的参议院的同僚们,也觉得他内才并不高明,外貌却还漂亮。

3.The other option we were given was to conceive naturally and then to have a gender test and then have a termination if it was a girl.我们的其他选择是顺其自然,然后做性别测试,然后如果是女孩的话就堕胎。

4.So, naturally, the only way out of the slump that I could think of was, I decided to call Oprah.所以很自然唯一可以摆脱消沉我可以想到的就是去找奥普拉。

5.It was nothing but a rock, with one creek naturally arched by the force of tempests.这岛只是一整块岩石,仅有一个由暴风雨侵袭、冲刷而成的小港湾。

6.In so far as any inquiry is a secret one, it naturally pmits all those other engaged in carrying it out from contact with other countries.就任何一项研究工作都是保密的来说,这自然会限制所有从事此项科研的人们与其他国家的接触,

7.You'll know when you cross any relationship bottom pnes, so all that's required of you is to let it happen naturally.你会明白当你跨越某一条关系底线之时,你所需要的一切便是让其自然发生。

8.You know, you go there and you wait and come across things that sort of, hopefully, magically and naturally happen.你知道,你去到那里,然后就等待并见证那些仪式在某种程度上满怀希望的,充满神奇的,自然而然的情况下发生。

9.Now I wanted to ask God to help me do something that should have come naturally?现在我想要求上帝帮助我做应该自然地来了的事?

10.What was initially meant to be a personal project gradually and naturally turned into a professional project.最初只是自己的一些练习作品,慢慢的很自然的就转变成专业的商业项目。