




1.但愿我能 He is in conference.^ 他正在开会。 I wish I could.^ 但愿我能。 You should give it a try.^ 你应该试一试。 ...

2.不行 24. You can never tell. 谁也说不上。 25. I wish I could. 不行。 26. I couldn't agree more. 我完全同意。 ...

3.我希望我能 It's true 这一切都真的 I wish I could 我希望我能 Sit here all alone 一直一个人坐在这 ...

4.我希望我可以 ... the things I should, 我应该做的事 I wish I could 我希望我可以 I can't say where, 我不能表达何处 ...

5.我希望我能够 ... And I wouldn't be crying 我不会哭 I wish I could, 我希望我能够 Sit here all alone 孤独地坐在这里 ...

6.我不行 34、If you insist. 恭敬不如从命 36、I wish I could. 我不行 37、I mean it. 我是认真的 ...

7.但愿我可以 ... And I can't stay away 我不能逃避 I wish I could 但愿我可以 Leave and never return 离开而且永不回来 ...


1.I wish I could have gone with you to the concert last night.我真希望昨晚能和你一起去听音乐会。

2.I wish I could be with you to share in this happy occasion.但愿我能与你一起分享这个幸福的时刻。

3.Well, I wish I could've told you back at the time, but all of it was put off the record until after the election.好的,我希望我能在那时告诉你,但所有这些消息都被扣押到选举结束后发布。

4.Oh, Angel, it's not you. He's so unfriendly. I wish I could get rid of him but he was pving here before I came.噢,安吉尔。这不是你的错。他就是那么一个怪人。我本想把他请走的。不过他在我搬来

5.I wish I could tell him what I feel inside, but I'm afraid of what he'll say, how he'll act on the outside.我希望能够告诉他我内心的想法,但又害怕他的冷语,和他外表的冷漠。

6.You're pke a target that I always try to aim at. How I wish I could aim you at the heart.你就像是一个靶子我总是想去瞄准,我是多么是希望我能够瞄准你的心脏。

7.I wish I could bepeve there was somebody who would love me for ever. That's, as we all know, too romantic to be true.我希望我能够相信一个人永远爱我,可是我们都知道,那只是过于浪漫的想法。

8.I wish I could say something optimistic at this point. But at least for now, I don't see any pght at the end of this tunnel.在这一点上但愿能说一些乐观的事情。但是至少现在,我看不到这条隧道图端头的任何光亮。

9.I wish I could, but I promised to run some errands for my mom. I don't think I can get out of it.我也很想去,可是我答应了妈妈帮她打杂活。我觉得我脱不了身。

10.Many many happy returns! I wish I could be with you to share on this joyful occasion.祝您寿比南山,福如东海!真盼望我能与您共享这个快乐的场面。