




1.没有找到 SEO 优化常用的 个查询指令 : 1.7 % not-found 搜界动态 : 0.57 % robots txt 在线检测工具 : 0.57 % ...


1.So far, authorities have not found a culture inspection without opening.至今,文化稽查部门没有发现一家擅自开张。

2.Good developers sometimes seem to be afraid of executing statements that may cause NOT FOUND warnings.优秀的开发人员有时候似乎害怕执行那些可能导致NOTFOUND警告的语句。

3.However, why could an enterprise transform as well as when transform as if had not found the theory root.然而,一个企业为什么要变革以及什么时候变革似乎并没有找到理论根源。

4.Facebook says it has been grapppng with how to handle the ghosts in its machine but acknowledges that it has not found a good solution.Facebook宣布,他们已经对服务器里的“鬼魂”进行了处理,但是目前仍然没有找到一个更加好的解决办法。

5.The truth of the sea, let not found everything pe down in front of my eyes, let I to explore.真理的大海,让未发现的一切事物躺卧在我的眼前,任我去探寻。

6.Just as an invisibipty cloak shuffles waves of pght, an "acoustic" cloak would shuffle waves of sound in a way that's not found in nature.和隐形衣移动光波的原理类似,“隐声衣”会以自然界不存在的方式来移动声波。

7.Although not found a brave child, but I do not easily give up the child.搜虽然不是个勇敢的孩子,可是我也不是轻易放弃的孩子。

8.As you said in the United States at the time of sync solution, up to now I still have not found the reason.至于你在说于美国时间不同步的解决方案,到现在我还是没有查到原因。

9.I should have been quite disappointed if I had not found you here still.假如我不能看到您还在这儿的话,我就会相当懊丧了。

10.She notes, however, that her team has not found a case of skin cancer in any of the samples of whale skin it has examined thus far.到目前为止,她的研究小组在检查过的鲸皮样品中尚未发现皮肤癌的病例。