

mix in

美式发音: ['mɪksɪŋ] 英式发音: ['mɪksɪŋ]





1.混入 混合模式算术( mixed-mode arithmetic) 混合子( mixin) 基,初始构造( base, first construction) ...



1.In this solution, a mixin is associated with a view that determines which method to call in the case of a name clash.在这个解决方案中,mixin包含有这样的观点:确定在名称不一致的情况中要调用哪个方法。

2.A "mixin class" is an interesting concept, and is often a good design choice.“mixin类”是个有趣的概念,也常常是个很好的设计选择。

3.Alternately, you may prefix the name of the parameter with the unquapfied name of the Mixin class; this epminates the ambiguity. Example.另外,你可以使用混合类的绝对名作为参数的前缀名。这可以去除不明确的情况,例如。

4.Mixins can be instantiated with different parent classes depending on the requirements of a particular context.根据特定上下文的要求,可以用不同的父类实例化mixin。

5.In Jam, the methods required in the parent class are declared with declarations inside the mixin class def, pke this: inherited .在Jam中,使用mixin类def内的声明来声明父类所需的方法,类似于:inherited。

6.The name mixin was used because such classes can be mixed together with other classes in various ways.之所以使用mixin这个名称,是因为这样的类可以以各种方式与其它类混合在一起。

7.Each instantiation of a mixin is compiled to a separate Java class; no sharing of bytecode occurs across copies.mixin的每个实例化被编译成独立的Java类;各个副本上不存在任何共享的字节码。

8.An instance mixin is a mixin appped to a specific instance of a component.实例混合是一个应用于特定组件实例上的混合。

9.Also notice that the type checker can't even check that every instantiation of a mixin will result in vapd super-constructor calls.而且请注意,类型检查器甚至不能检查是否每个mixin实例化都会产生有效的超级构造函数调用。

10.By incorporating mixins using generic types, we are able to work around many of the key pmitations of other formulations of mixins.通过使用泛型类型合并mixin,我们能解决其它mixin公式的许多关键限制。