




1.奥特加..奥特加ORTEGA)............25-11-80.......桑坦德B队   .........................中场.........................   4......

2.奥尔特加80人左右,在南湾辛尼维尔(Sunnyvale)的奥特格(Ortega)公园,欢聚一堂,喜汽洋洋,共庆中秋佳节,渡过了令人难忘的时 …


7.奥蒂喜达拉哈拉(Guadalajara)的枢机主教罗比斯奥蒂喜Ortega),以及刚果民主共和国金夏沙的总主教帕西尼亚(Pasinya) …


1.Had Daniel Ortega not got himself illegally on to this year's ballot to seek a third term, his wife might have run in his stead.总统DanielOrtega自己不能非法地参与今年总统大选寻求三连任,他的妻子可能代替他出马竞选。

2.Ortega said she wants to know how the chicken's head could have made it past inspectors and into the hands of a customer.奥特加始终搞不明白,鸡头这种东西到底是怎么逃得过检疫,还能堂而皇之地到消费者手中。

3.Angela Ortega, 52, who rented a room in her first-floor apartment to German Cabrera, said he was quiet and respectful.安吉拉,52岁,她把自己一楼公寓的一间房间租给了吉曼*卡布来拉。她说他是个安静,有礼貌的人。

4.Katherine Ortega said she found a fried chicken's head in the box of chicken wings she ordered Tuesday night.据凯瑟琳。奥特加称,她在星期二晚上收到麦当劳的订餐,里面本应是鸡翅,却变成了炸鸡头。

5."The show was a huge production, but it was also very important that Michael had these moments with just the audience, " says Ortega.这个演唱会是一个巨大的制作。可是迈克能够有单独和观众们在一起的时间也非常重要。

6.MRS. ORTEGA: Let me give you a kiss, my boy. Remember me to your mother and father.孩子,让我亲你一下。替我问候令堂令尊。

7.From open play he was able to find spaces in a congested midfield and launch attacks for the wingers Ariel Ortega and Roberto Pereyra.从开场,他就能够在密集收缩的中场寻找到空隙,为两翼的奥特加和RobertoPereyra发起进攻机会。

8.But if Mr Ortega's wealth continues to grow, it may not be long before he's in contention for the top two spots.但如果奥特加的财富持续增长,也许要不了多久就能与以上两大巨头分庭抗礼。

9.Four days later, Jackson was back "full of energy, full of desire to work, full of enthusiasm, " Ortega said.四天后,杰克逊精神饱满,渴望工作,充满热情地回来了,奥尔特加说。

10.Ortega dropped out of night school and reapzed she no longer wanted to be with Joseph.然而夜校辍学后,她意识到她不再想与约瑟夫在一起了。