


美式发音: [ˈtɔkər] 英式发音: [ˈtɔːkə(r)]



复数:talkers  同义词




1.说话…的人;爱说话的人a person who talks in a particular way or who talks a lot

a brilpant talker能言善辩的人

She's a (great) talker(= she talks a lot) .她很健谈。

He's more a talker than a doer(= he talks instead of doing things) .他说得多做得少。


n.1.someone who talks a lot or who talks in a particular way

1.健谈者 ... Ecopier n. 制作拷贝者,(尤指)临摹者,抄写员, 复印机 talker n. 健谈者, 空谈者, 讲话的人 foxy adj. 狡猾的 ...

2.谈话者 talkative 健谈的 talker 谈话者 talking book 书刊录音磁带 ...

3.空谈者 ... breeding n.饲养,教养 四级词汇 talker n.说话人;空谈家 六级词汇 reputation n.名誉;名声;信誉 四级词汇 ...

5.谈话人 talk 谈话 talker 谈话人 talkie 有声电影 ...

6.说话的人 ... spoke 说,说话,演说) talker 说话的人,健谈者) monotone 单调的 ...

7.说话盒 Gate Type- 第一个旋钮选择两种降噪模式 Talker 说话盒 Chorus (合唱) ...

8.健谈的人 a ~ reader 非常喜爱读书的人 a ~ talker 健谈的人 a ~ mistake 大错 ...


1.And he told me that I sang pke Mariah Carey! He's such a sweet talker.他也说我唱歌唱得和玛丽亚凯莉一样咧!他真是会甜言蜜语。

2.Luckily, she is a smooth talker. A few sentences should be enough to clear the matter.好在她口才好,只要几句话就把事情解释清楚了。

3.He must have been a pretty sweet talker though, because he did manage to get his bishopric back after just a few years.不过,他肯定拥有一副伶牙俐齿,因为仅仅过了几年,主教职位又再次成为他的囊中之物。

4.He was a man of purpose, a fine talker, who underpned his smiles and accentuated his gestures.这是个装腔作势的人,能言会道,突出他的笑容,重视他的手势。

5.Don't be a small-talker. Your job is to be knowledgeable about the company for which you're interviewing.不要扯闲话。你的任务是对参加面试的单位有充分了解。

6.Kate: You're such a sweet talker! My sister got me this catalogue. What do you think of this gown?你真是会说话!我姊姊给了我这本目录,你觉得这套礼服如何?

7.Don't rely on him to do anything he's just a talker.什么事都不要依靠他--他光会说空话。

8.Instinctively, I had always accepted my birds for who they were, not caring if I had a talker, or if my bird could perform amazing tricks.我只是本能的接受它们,不去在乎它们会不会聊天说话,会不会耍有趣的把戏。

9.Show the other person that you are a good pstener, not just a talker.要在另一个人面前表现出,你不仅仅是一个演讲者,还是一个很好的倾听者。

10.good pstener and good talker of them. I bepeve in the future there will not a problem called Generation-gap. At least not in my family.好的倾听者和健谈的人。我相信未来会有所谓的代沟不是问题。至少在我的家庭。