




1.托恩 ... “Saumon” 是三文鱼, “Thon说的是金枪鱼, ...

5.捅 phon 瓮 thon thon 痛 ...

6.吞拿鱼 血鸭— —CanardauSang 吞拿鱼— —Thon 法式海龙王汤— —Bouillabaisse ...


1.Before last week's meeting-a-thon had even got under way I had already failed to ask about some things that were troubpng me.在最近一次马拉松式的会议开始之前,我已经因害怕而没能提出一些困扰我的问题了。

2.Before too long they rewoulsized thon they did not wish to feel descrimattress away.不久两人认识到他们并不想离开。

3.Yesterday Cheryl's school had a Jog-A- Thon event for fundraising. Kindergarten kids had a great time running, jogging, and hopping.柔柔学校昨天举行小马拉松募款活动,幼稚园的小朋友们跑跑跳跳很开心。

4.There will be a Madonna- thon of sorts on MTV's networks over the next few weeks.MTV电视网络未来数周将马拉松式播放关于麦当娜的节目。

5.On top of the biological advantage, it's not surprising that a woman holds the record at the Masturbate-a-thon for most orgasms achieved.除了生物学上的优势外,一个女人在自慰马拉松上保持达到最多次高潮的纪录,并不令人吃惊。

6.Up to now, she is the only girl who celebrates her birthday by running am ar a thon in the world.到目前为止,她还是世界上唯一的用跑马拉松的方式来庆贺生日的小姑娘。

7.A resident pulls her belongings as she wades through her flooded neighborhood in Thon Buri outside Bangkok on October 28, 2011.一位居民把她的物品,她通过她淹没外曼谷吞武里居委会,2011年10月28日wades。

8.We will have a month to gather steam, sell promotional items and the all-day Thon will be held on September 9th.这样,我们就有一个月来汇集各方力量,卖出宣传产品。全天的马拉松将于9月9号开始。

9.Hold it in your hand when you are doing the map-a- thon and it will help you to remember the answers.你参加填图大赛时把内存芯片放在手里,这样它就能帮助你想起答案来了。

10.Organize a walk-a-thon or another event to raise awareness of bleeding disorders in your community.组织一场“长走”运动或其它活动,提高公众对出血性疾病的认识。