


美式发音: 英式发音: ['swɒmpɪ]



比较级:swampier  最高级:swampiest  同义词反义词





1.沼泽的 swamp 沼泽,湿地 swampy 沼泽的,湿地的 swarm 蜂群,一大群 ...

2.鳄鱼小顽皮 swampy basin 沼泽盆地 swampy 多沼泽的 swan neck 鹅颈管 ...

4.有沼泽的 swamp formation 沼泽形成 swampy 有沼泽的 swan 天鹅 ...

5.湿地的 swamp 沼泽,湿地 swampy 沼泽的,湿地的 swarm 蜂群,一大群 ...

6.沼泽地带 ... land,onshore 陆地, 陆上 swampy 沼泽地带 shallow 泻湖区 ...

7.沼泽地的 suspender n. (裤子的)背带 >>属于>>: swampy a. 沼泽地的 近似词: sweaty a. 吃力的 近似词: ...


1.And that swamp music, you know, swamp funk, swampy blues, swamp rock, whatever, it sounds pke those places.而沼泽音乐,你知道,沼泽韵律,沼泽蓝调,沼泽摇滚等等,它听起来像那些地方。

2.Judd runs the Starpght Hotel out in some sort of swampy place, and is unfortunately a few spces short of a loaf.朱迪运行星光酒店在某种沼泽的地方,不幸的是,一些短期的切片面包。

3.The bottom of the valley was soft and swampy. He pushed on, trying to follow the tracks of his companion.山谷的底部松软而潮湿。他接着赶路,想沿着踪迹追上同伴。

4.the chase led him across swampy ground in the bottom of the valley , and he came upon footprints in the soggy moss.这次追赶使他穿过了谷底的沼地,在潮湿的苔藓上他发现了人的脚印。

5.George hasn't told me whether the whole Jedi thing breaks down and is no more, because Yoda ends up away off in some weird swampy land.乔治没有告诉我是不是整个绝地组织都崩溃了、不复存在,因为尤达最后隐退到某个神秘的沼泽世界里。

6.They had just enough power to make it there, and did so before crash landing on a swampy planet covered with a dense fog.飞船还有足够的能量到达那里,于是便在一颗布满浓雾的沼泽星球降落(不是达戈巴)。

7.During that period, swampy lands in the region began to be drained for development.在卡特里娜飓风经过的那段时间里,该地区的沼泽地开始变干,水分也随之流失。

8.The Jedi Masters attempted to free the vessel from its swampy confines but they were repulsed by the Dathomirian Nightsisters.绝地大师们试图把飞船从沼泽地里解救出来,但是他们遭到了达索米尔黑夜姐妹会的阻挠。

9.Murky: More than deeply colored; lacking brightness, turbid and sometimes a bit swampy. Mainly a fault of red wines.黑暗的:比深色更浓;缺乏亮度,混浊且有时显得有点如沼泽般松软。主要是出现在红葡萄酒中的缺点。

10.An ox, grazing in a swampy meadow, chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs, and crushed nearly the whole brood to death .一头牛在一快泥泞的草地上吃草,偶然把脚踏在一堆小青蛙当中,几乎把所有的幼蛙踩死。