




1.曼德罗derous Ordo)——曼德罗瑞安战争后的首任曼达罗Mandalore)——领导下的曼德罗瑞安人联合,当一支西斯分遣队从临 …


5.曼达洛大君乌立克·奎卓玛则在夸尔星球(Kuar)的哈库平原上击败曼达洛大君Mandalore),赢得了曼达洛本人及其麾下战士的效忠。 …

6.曼道罗第二个有趣的部分是他如何处理身为曼道罗Mandalore)这个角色(注:即曼道罗力安人(Mandalorians)的领导人)。我已 …


1.Fett was able to get a serum that rapidly helped him recover, and he helped Mandalore return as a power in the galaxy.费特得到一种血清来迅速恢复身体,从而帮助曼达洛重新成为银河系的一股势力。

2.Jaina Solo arrived on Mandalore asking for Fett's help in training her to defeat her brother.杰娜·索洛来到曼达洛请求费特帮助训练她以击败她的兄弟。

3.Another has him being the commanding officer of a fabled group of warriors from Mandalore decimated by the Jedi Knights.另一个故事里,他是一群传说已被绝地武士消灭的曼达洛战士的头领。

4.He found himself elevated to the position of Mand'alor, the leader of the Mandalorian warriors and ruler of Mandalore itself.他发现自己被推上“曼达洛王”的位置,成为了曼达洛战士的领袖和曼达洛星球的统治者。

5.This was the Mandalore of so many young imaginations -- helmeted warriors doing battle with Jedi Knights.这正代表了诸多早期的构思——戴头盔的战士大战绝地武士。

6.A particular story thread cut from the episode would have placed Anakin Skywalker in command of the Repubpc invasion of Mandalore.从这一集中删掉的一个特别情节是安排阿纳金·天行者指挥共和国军队入侵曼达洛。

7.Ahsoka's theme, a musical composition created by Kevin Kiner for The Clone Wars movie, can be heard during her arrival on Mandalore.在阿索卡到达曼达洛的时候,可以听见由凯文•金纳为剧场版《克隆人战争》创作的乐曲《阿索卡的主题》。

8.Years after this final hunt, Fett went to Mandalore to assume control of the Mandalorian Protectors.距这最后一次追捕数年后,费特前往曼达洛接受对曼达洛保护者的指挥权。

9.The high-tech and sterile environs of Mandalore were in some ways inspired by THX 1138.曼达洛那高科技而又贫瘠的环境在某些方面是受到了电影《THX1138》的启发。