




1.胡塞尼朗驻IAEA 大使胡塞尼(Hosseini)宣布延后聯合国武检小组检查其核


1.Both Mr Pour-Mohammadi and Mr Hosseini have been proponents of the president's economic strategy.普尔-穆罕默迪和侯赛尼都是总统经济战略的支持者。

2."They wanted to teach us a lesson, " Hosseini said soon after the Amnesty report came out.“他们想给我们来点教训。”Hosseini在大赦国际的报告发布后很快说道。

3.In the novel, Hosseini gives us a full and rich picture of Afghanistan, as well as full and rich Muspm culture.在小说中,胡赛尼给本人们描画了一个丰满而丰厚的阿富汗,还有同样丰满而丰厚的穆斯林文化。

4.According to official Egyptian news agency reported that the diplomat named Qasim Hosseini, Iranian foreign bodies in the Egyptian staff.据埃及官方通讯社报道,这名外交官名叫卡西姆·侯塞尼,是伊朗驻埃及外交机构的工作人员。

5.Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, and moved to the United States in 1980.卡勒德·胡赛尼出生在阿富汗的喀布尔,1980年移居美国。

6.The treatment got worse, Hosseini said, when she and the 16 other female prisoners were taken to a miptary detention center in Heikstep.当她和16名其它的女性被带到一所军方拘禁中心后,后面的情况就更糟了,Hosseini说。

7.In fact, Hosseini called fluent in Engpsh, but poor vocabulary, simple sentences, or even wrong sentences from time to time.实践上,胡赛尼的英文称得上流利,但词汇窘蹙,句子简单,以至不时呈现病句。