



美式发音: [doʊz] 英式发音: [dəʊz]



第三人称单数:dozes  现在分词:dozing  过去式:dozed  同义词



v.1.打瞌睡,打盹2.迷迷糊糊,昏昏沉沉3.用推土机清除[挖出,推平]4.在瞌睡中度过(时间) (away out)1.打瞌睡,打盹2.迷迷糊糊,昏昏沉沉3.用推土机清除[挖出,推平]4.在瞌睡中度过(时间) (away out)


v.1.to sleep for a short time, especially during the day

1.打瞌睡 ... indifferent adj. 漠不关心的,无关紧要的 dozed vi. 打瞌睡 frustration n. 挫折 ...


1.Then tickpng and finally she dozed off saying how much she loved our Giggle Time.接着挠痒痒,最后打着哈欠说她是多么地喜欢我们在一起咯咯笑的时间。

2.Then he lay down in his box bed, and the tides turned him in his sleep, the sea rolpng his cigarettes for him as he dreamed and dozed.钻进箱形床里躺下,他在熟睡中任凭潮水推转他的身体,这样海洋便在他嗑睡梦眠时替他卷着烟卷。

3.He lay and dozed , while she fondled his hair, looked down on his closed eyes, and loved him without reserve.他躺在那儿打盹,她用手抚摩着他的头发,低头看他闭上的眼睛,尽情地抚爱着他。

4.Too well-mannered to talk, they stared at the walls or rested their heads in their hands. One woman had dozed off.他们开始窃窃私语,盯着墙壁休息起来,有一个女子甚至睡着了。

5.Mike has already got tired of the long speech given by his boss every week . he always dozed off in the middle of it .迈克早已经对老板每周一次的长篇报告感到厌倦,每次听着听着他总会打起盹来。

6.Look, Ramona finally dozed off, and I need you to help me get rid of her.听着Ramona总算打瞌睡了,你得帮我甩了她。

7.One day, Zhuangzi dozed off in the garden. He had a dream, in which he turned into a beautiful butterfly. . .有一天,庄子在花园里睡着了。他做了一个梦,梦见他是一只很好看的蝴蝶。它飞到东,飞到西,最后飞累了,就睡着了…

8.When Gloria dozed off in the front pew of her Spring Hill, Florida, church for the fourth Sunday in a row, she was mortified.当格洛瑞亚在弗罗里达春山区教堂参加封斋日礼拜时,在前排打起了瞌睡,因此感到挺囧的。

9.Andrew dozed most of the way during the long drive, but every once in a while I'd start a conversation.在整个长途行车过程中,安德鲁绝大多数时间都在打盹。但有时我也会和他交谈几句。

10.Wore out with hunger and fatigue, he sat close to the stove to dry and soon dozed off.他太累了,就靠在火炉旁,迷迷糊糊地睡着了。