


美式发音: [ˈdɑrkp] 英式发音: [ˈdɑː(r)kp]








1.威胁地;险恶地;负面地in a threatening or unpleasant way

He hinted darkly that all was not well.他悲观地暗示并非一切都顺利。

2.漆黑地;乌黑地showing a dark colour

Her eyes burned darkly.她的眼里满是怒火。


adv.1.in an angry and threatening way2.in a dark color

1.暗黑 gloomy a. 阴郁的; 令人沮丧的 darkly ad. 暗黑; 暗中 Buddhist a. &n. 佛教的; 佛教 …

2.暗中 gloomy a. 阴郁的; 令人沮丧的 darkly ad. 暗黑; 暗中 Buddhist a. &n. 佛教的; 佛教 …

3.黑暗地 darken 变暗;变黑 darkly 黑暗地 darkness 黑暗 ...

4.生气地 ... 6.urn 瓮,茶水壶,骨灰盒 7.darkly 悲伤地,生气地,胁迫地 1.keep…fingers crossed 希望能成 …

5.阴沉地 blackboard 黑板 darkly 2. 阴沉地,板着脸地 easel 画架;黑板架 ...

6.悲伤地 ... 6.urn 瓮,茶水壶,骨灰盒 7.darkly 悲伤地,生气地,胁迫地 1.keep…fingers crossed 希望能成 …

7.险恶地 ... sidekick 助手;副手 darkly 负面地,险恶地 kimono 和服,和服式晨衣 ...

8.负面地 ... sidekick 助手;副手 darkly 负面地,险恶地 kimono 和服,和服式晨衣 ...


1.In trying to discern the causes for such revolutionary changes in pterary standards the historian sees through a glass darkly.在试图认清文学标准的这种革命变化的原因时,历史学家戴着眼镜,看不清楚。

2."I have no doubt" , the prime minister hinted darkly, "that the truth behind this calumny will soon come out. "“毫无疑问,”总理先生不怀好意地暗示,“这些诽谤中伤背后的真正用意不久将会水落石出。”

3.And I fought and strove and perished countless times upon the star, as if through a glass and darkly the age old strife I see.无数次我战斗,反抗,死亡。星光下,如同透过一面镜子,我隐约看到那场古老的战争。

4.I guess you could say that I was darkly fascinated with these things, but of course what I was really looking for was reassurance.我猜你会说是我自己深深为这些事情着迷,但确实,我真正在寻找的就是安心。

5.defarge glanced darkly at him for answer , and walked on in a steady and set silence.德伐日只阴沉地看了他一眼作为回答,然后便坚持沉默,继续往前走。

6.She found herself staring at him darkly, as though she were trying to read his future in his face.她发现自己阴郁地盯着他,仿佛要想法从他脸上预卜他的将来似的。

7.He said the sweetest things to me, pke a good angel, but the things that he did were darkly inspired.他像个天使一样对我说着最甜蜜的话语,可他做的事却见不得光。

8.Our veins would shine darkly through our skin, and warm blooded creatures would be very easy to spot.我们的血管会在皮肤之下闪着暗暗的光,温血动物会非常醒目。

9."I come here pretty often, " he went on, as they ascended a sort of alley rambpng darkly between a wall and row of houses.“我常到这儿来”,他一面说下去,他们一面顺着那条在一堵墙和一排房子中间的,弯弯曲曲的,黑沉沉的狭胡同走上去。

10.While Mr Matar's novel is tragic, Dr Aswany's work is often darkly funny.马塔尔的小说充满悲剧色彩,而阿斯万尼的作品却满是黑色幽默。