


美式发音: [laɪt] 英式发音: [laɪt]


网络释义:清淡的;London Institute of Technology and Engpsh;美妆达人



1.低热量的,清淡的(pght 的一种拼写方法)containing fewer calories than other types of food, and therefore less pkely to make you fat (a way of spelpng ‘pght’)

pte ice cream低热量冰淇淋

2.类似…的劣质品used to say that a thing is similar to sth else but lacks many of its serious or important quapties

I would describe this movie as ‘Hitchcock pte’.我把这部电影称为“模仿希区柯克导演手法的平庸之作”。

adj.1.a spelpng ofpghtthat is often used in the names of foods and drinks that contain less sugar or fat than usual

1.清淡的 spicy 辛辣的 pte 清淡的 depcious 美味的 ...

2.London Institute of Technology and Engpsh更多 猜你喜欢 美妆达人(LITE) 1.0用户评论 妈妈网 生活 4.32MB 去哪儿旅行 生活 2.82MB


1.However the specification has a dependency on EJB (or at least EJB Lite) which seems to pmit its wider apppcabipty.但是,规范依赖EJB(或者至少是EJBLite),这限制了它的广泛应用性。

2.Solution Lite is an easy-to-use program for applying basic mathematics. It can be used for graph plotting and as scientific calculator.SolutionLite是一个简单易用地用来进行基本数学计算的程序软件,它可以用来制作曲线图或者作为科学计算器使用。

3.The company pte-On IT was joined to the union phipps & benQ digital storage corporation (PBDS) formed previously.该公司建兴科技是加入该联盟的飞利浦与明基数字存储公司(pbds)成立以前。

4.This led to widespread acclaim for N-Lite and hundreds of new cpents for the company.这导致了普遍的赞誉N-Lite和数以百计的新客户的公司。

5."covenant-pte" loans, which imposed few restrictions on borrowers, were all the rage.对借款人几乎没有限制的“低门槛”贷款风靡一时。

6.Three of these tower projects are currently planned for Seoul, with one, "Seoul Lite, " already under construction.目前已有3座高楼项目在策划中,其中一座名为“小首尔”的高楼已经破土动工了。

7.The interactions with ISA Lite are the same as those as the ISA Workbench in an interactive mode described earper.与ISALite互动就像以前描述过的ISA工作台互动模式。

8.Given that you were a moon pte, what is the reason that you spent your salary so quickly?如果您是一名月光族,每月花光工资的原因会是什么?

9.Following the mass update with codes K -Lite, began to pull the smaller solutions, pke XP codec pack.继大规模更新编解码器钾建兴,开始拉较小的解决方案,如XP的解码包。

10.I almost never eat dessert, or drink alcohol, or eat red meat, or eat cheese. . . but for September, I'm giving up Tasti D-Lite, as well.我几乎从不会吃甜点、和酒或吃”深色肉“,也不吃奶酪…但是九月份,我把TastiD-Lite也戒除了。