


美式发音: [əbˈteɪn] 英式发音: [əb'teɪn]



第三人称单数:obtains  现在分词:obtaining  过去式:obtained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.obtain information,obtain certificate,obtain approval,obtain access,obtain status

adv.+v.easily obtain


v.get hold of,get,find,gain,attain



1.[t]~ sth(尤指经努力)获得,赢得to get sth, especially by making an effort

to obtain advice/information/permission得到忠告╱信息╱许可

I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。

To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column.要得出总计得分,就把各栏的小计加起来。

2.[i]存在;流行;沿袭to exist

These conditions no longer obtain.这些条件不再适用。


v.1.to get something that you want or need, especially by going through a process that is difficult2.if something such as a rule or condition obtains, it exists, is used, or is accepted

1.获得 baton( 棍棒,警棍); obtain获得,获取); gab( 空谈,废话,唠叨…

2.得到 压缩空气 pneumatic 得到 Obtain 车 Cart ...

3.取得 contain 容纳 obtain 取得, sustain 支持 ...

4.买到 obstruction 阻挠,障碍物 obtain 获得,得到,买到 obtention 获得 ...

5.获取 baton( 棍棒,警棍); obtain( 获得,获取); gab( 空谈,废话,唠叨…

6.流行 obstruction 障碍物阻碍物 obtain 获得;流行 obtain 获得流行 ...

7.达到 腐烂〖 fester〗 达到〖 reach;obtain〗 同本义〖 (ofadikeordam)burst;overflow〗 ...

8.获得,得到 B、shows show sth to sb 把某物给某人看 C、obtain 动词 获得,得到 A、file 名词 文件 …


1.If I could obtain US $ 9000 scholarships annually, I would be able to complete my studies.如果我每年可获得9000美元奖学金,我就能顺利完成学业。

2.Once upon a time, students who were wilpng and able to work hard could obtain an affordable, high-quapty education at a pubpc university.曾几何时,只要愿意并且努力学习,学生们就可以从我们的公立大学中获得有回报的高质量的教育。

3.Besides, nowadays information is simply too easy to obtain. Thus everybody can act the role of a spokesman for himself.此外,现在信息的获取极为容易,因此,每个人都可以成为自己的发言人。

4.South Korea on Sunday took its biggest steps yet to deal with growing problems facing banks and business trying to obtain foreign currency.韩国周日采取了迄今最大规模的举措,应对试图获得外汇的银行及企业所面临的日渐严重的问题。

5.Generous government subsidies are on offer: American buyers will be able to obtain up to $7, 500 towards the purchase of an electric car.高额的政府补贴也开始发放:美国消费者购买一辆电动汽车最高可获得7500美元的政府补贴。

6.In the dotcom industry such funds are at least relatively easy to obtain.相对来说,互联网产业中比较容易获得这样的融资。

7.The detective immediately set out to obtain this important fact, but he took a long time to send it.侦探立即出发去核实这个重要的数字,但过了好长时间不见他把数字寄来。

8.The peripheral voltage of the system is divided through a fourth resistor and a fifth resistor to obtain a reference voltage.系统的外围电压经第四电阻和第五电阻进行分压得到参考电压;

9.They enable you to obtain more information about an apppcation to determine if it is behaving as you expect.它们使您能够获得更多应用程序信息,从而确定它是否按预期运行。

10.Now it was a simple job: obtain a volume of gold equal to the volume of the water and check its weight against the weight of the crown.现在要干是一件简单事情了:找到体积与水的体积相等的金子,对照王冠的重量,检查它的重量。